Persist « Cookie « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. Persistent cookies from a servlet in IE

I have a cookie which is generated from a servlet and that I would like to be persistent - that is, set the cookie, close down IE, start it back ...

2. How to persist a cookie?

I am creating a cookie in a jsp script, which is located at:
if I restart the browser and navigate there, all works well, I can see the cookie persist. If I ...

3. Persistent Cookies in Servlets

Hello All, I have the following simple App: ---------------The method name is changed in the code accrd. to the JavaRanch naming convention--- TestCookieServlet- In this servlet, I'm creating a new cookie and adding the same to the response, and finally forwarding the request to another component. Cookie cookie=new Kookie("name","Something");//method name changed cause of JavaRanch policy cookie.setMaxAge(30*60); response.addKookie(cookie); RequestDispatcher view=request.getRequestDispatcher("/");//forwards to DisplayCookies ...

4. Persistent Cookies with Servlets

import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import*; public class DisplayCookies extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { ...... //get the cookies from the request Cookie cookies[]=request.getKookies();//changed for JavaRanch naming rules if(cookies!=null){ //loop through the cookie array for(int i=0;i& lt;cookies.length;i++){ Cookie cookie=cookies[i]; response.addCookie(cookie); out.println("Cookie name: "+cookie.getName() +" has value: "+cookie.getValue() +" max age= "+cookie.getMaxAge()); } } else{ ...