server « Client « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. server push or client push is better?

I am developing a chat website using jsp/servlet.I will be hosting my website on gooogle appengine .Now i have some doubts regarding whether to use server push or client pull ...

2. How to attach a servlet web interface to a local client application?

I'm envisioning my (now local) program running on a server in the future with a web interface, using Tomcat and servlets. I'm just confused about how I can integrate my existing ...

3. Asynchronous Servlet Client, Server push

Hello guys i want to process some server pushes. I have an asynchronous servlet processing something, pushing it to the client and then it processes something else and pushes it again ...

4. ServerSocket java not reading inputStream?

I have written a server is java here is the code:

public mainClass() 

5. How to calculate scheduled time calculation for each user on the server side and instantly notify it to respective user on the client side?

My scenario is User A has been given a task. He already knows time line for that task.On client side Once the userA click and download a file to begin ...

6. is jsp a good choice to make server side coding?

i am doing a client-server Application.The client software is a GUI which is made using SWT.Now my question is "Is JSP a good choice to develop the server side coding?". Please ...

7. applet client and jsp as server ...

9. server side and client side variables

11. how to ping apache server from client side?

i have a JSP application. i want the client to recieve a notification in case its connection with the server breaks. how can i do it? one possibility is to open a server socket on the server and create a socket at the client and keep checking regularly after some time (using javascript) if the socket is still connected. but is ...

12. Server Side and Client Side

13. client-server error

14. Encrypt Password/userid on the client side before being sent to server.

Hi, I am facing the following problem related to client browser security. On the login page, the client for whom i am working, wants me to use some 'hashing' kind of algorithm to achieve password/userid security. Here, some javascript or whatever way, a algorithm will run, which will encrypt the password/userid before being sent to the server. I am using SSL, ...

15. client server programming in JSP

16. client server programming

17. Server Client communicaitons