beanName « Bean « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. jsp:useBean; When is the attribute "beanName" used ?

What is the attribute beanName of the action jsp:useBean good for? I suppose i can use it to read serialised objects from the filesystem or any other kind of persistence storage. But then i ask myself how to specify the location of that serialised object. Can you give me some example situation where to use this attribute? Also i like to ...

2. beanName Attribute in useBean action

Look at the JavaDocs for the java.beans.Beans class... Basically the instantiate() method provides a way for code to dynamically load and use JavaBeans without knowing too much about them... As for the beanName, the JavaDoc states (under the third instantantiate() method, the one with 4 parameters...) - In Beans 1.0 the given name can indicate either a serialized object or a ...

3. beanName Attribute in useBean action