Class « Bean « JSP-Servlet Q&A

1. CSS class names as bean content. To use or not to use?

Let's say we got 'Car' bean with car color and we want to display the color name with text in that color and some color specific image aside. Currently bean is ...

2. Bean class not found

It seems to me that your bean class has package statement. If it does have one then you know that the class is always referred with it's package name where ever you are using it.just importing will not suffice. note that the built in classes in jdk are placed in packages but they don't have a package statement declared in them. ...

3. where to put bean classes in JSP?

try instantiating the bean by hand rather than using use bean as it will show whether this is a class not found exception (problems with your classpath - it is the class file you put in, not the java file right?) or "wrong name" which means checking your file is in the right package and trying again, etc. If you have ...

5. useBean and class inheritance

6. jsp:useBean and Nested Class

I hate to beat this tired horse some more, but I'm having probs with a nested class and the jsp:useBean syntax... I have a class... OuterFoo{ public OuterFoo(){;} public static InnerFoo { public InnerFoo(){;} //attributes //sets and gets ... } LinkedList getAllFoos(){...} InnerFoo getSingleFoo(int fooID){...} ... } I can get everything I need for OuterFoo in my jsp:

7. usebean and class package

9. Using a class without having it as a bean

Hi guys, I am having another problem in my JSP card-game project. I want to know if it is possible to use a user-defined class in a JSP document without creating a bean for it? For example, I want to use a Game object by saying: Game game = new Game(); in a JSP document without creating a bean for it. ...

10. use of class and type in jsp:useBean

12. JSP usebean type Vs class

14. useBean with type without class

15. jsp:useBean with Abstract class

16. JSP beans using 'helper' classes? Plz help?

I am very frustrated, trying to accomplish something I thought would be relatively easy. I have a bean that is used to execute a sql statement and get a small resultset. I had code in this bean that would turn the resultset into a vector, for use by a JSP. I pulled out the 'vectorizing' code into a separate class, in ...

19. jsp:useBean for member class

21. IS it advisable to use Transaction suppourt from servlets of with in EJB Bean class

Actually I meant slightly otherwise. Even calls that involve multiple ejb calls may be wrapped in a outer ejb (the popular session facade pattern) where the outer ejb which is coarse grained can have a 'requiresnew' and the fine grained ejbs (which do the actual work) can have a 'required' attribute for transaction. Consider a travel site where in a single ...

22. Using EJB Annotation inside the Bean class

Hi , Given a Session bean class with the following annotations: private @EJB(name="fooejbref") Foo foo; Hi the above line is inside the session Bean , here i am having a query , I know that using @EJB inside a servlet is for making communication from controller to the business Layers . But what is the purpose of having a @EJB inside ...

23. EJB-2 Doubts -Traeting session bean as a class

I am using a session bean with Facde design pattern Have follwoing interfaces and classes FacadeTestHome,FacadeTestLocal,FacadeTestBean Also my enity bean are the following MyentityHome, MyentityLocal,MyentityBean, I usaully calls the methods of enity from my session bean class after getting the home object. Now i have another utility class My doubt is what is wrong with calling session bean clas like this ...

24. Two session beans, one class, much confusion

I'm a bit confused as to how env-entry values are scoped when you specify multiple session beans using the same class. Using this kind fellow's work as a starting point, I have a simple session bean defined thus: import javax.annotation.Resource; public class SimpleBean { @Resource private String someValue; public void setSomeValue(String someValue) { this.someValue = someValue; } public String getSomeValue() { ...

25. can an Entity Bean be a private class?

26. How to instantiate a singleton class using jsp:useBean

Hi, Suppose I have a class whose constructor is private and I get an instance of it using getInstance() method, which ensures that only one object of that class exists. Now I want the object of this class to be accessed in jsp. public class Person{ private Person person; static{ // Some initialization takes place before an object is created } ...