input « validation « JSF Q&A

1. Multiple validators for one input

Is it possible to have multiple validators for one input in JSF 2.0? For example, say that I will write a username and the username must have 8 characters. And if ...

2. how to validate input date against multiple patterns?

In my jsf application I know how to validate user input against one pattern in my ice:selectInputDate using a jsf converter:

   <f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy"  />
but how should I do ...

3. validating decimals inputs in JSF

I want to validate an input as an integer. Thus, any value with decimal fractions should be filtered. But I don't know how to achieve that. I have tried many things, ...

4. JSF strange message from

I'm using inputText to get input from a user

<h:inputText id="firstName" value="#{beanManager.currentUser.firstName }" required="true"        style="font-size: 15px"></h:inputText>
and then I've added a message tag
<h:message for="firstName"></h:message>
but when the ...

5. JSF messages for ui repeat input

I have a JSF2 application that uses <ui:repeat /> to render a number of text-boxes, each linked to an item in a collection. I need to show the error messages after ...

6. JSF 2.0 Validation errors result the input fields to display local values instead of updated model values

The application uses JSF 2.0 framework. User inputs values to a form. When user selects save, some fields have validation errors and some don't. User clicks on cancel button. Then user clicks the ...

7. Input text validation based on drop-down list selection

How can I validate an input text box based on a selection from the drop-down list?

8. Input Text in Data Tables and Validation Errors

I have a page with two components. The first component is an HTML input text component that requires a value (h:inputText with required="true"). The second component is an HTML data table (h:dataTable) that contains a column with an input text field (the latter required property is set to false). If the end-user fills in a number of rows in the data ...