seam « Seam « JSF Q&A

1. Conditionally wrap HTML elements

In my Seam application, I have a Seam component that returns a (@Datamodel) list of items I want to transform into a set of <li> HTML elements. I have this working ...

2. How to learn JSF and Seam fast

For a team of JSP/Struts developers who have about 5+ years on java, what would be a good way to ramp up really fast on JSF. Since JSF is conceptually different ...

3. Seam view aliases

I am running a Seam web application with Richfaces for the JSF implementation. I would like to map a view to a particular URL much like you could with Spring ...

4. Are there any disadvantages to SEAM?

As a java web applications developer I have used this last year JSF (SUN) for a framework to my web applications. I have to say I quite liked using it, it ...

5. Seam outjections will be removed?

Jacob Orshalick (author of Seam Framework: Experience the Evolution of Java EE ) said:

Outjection allows you to make variables available from the current context for injection or access ...

6. DataModelSelection on list exposed via EntityQuery

Is it possible to have support for enabling DataModelSelection on a list page paginated via EntityQuery? (All the examples load the list by performing a query on the @Factory method). But, ...

7. how to make the s:link open in a new window

How to enable opening links exposed via s:link in a new window

8. How to get JSF2 working with Seam2

Is it possible to get JSF2 working on the latest production Seam release (2.2.1.GA)? I get this error on startup:

    javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletException: Must have a Constructor that takes ...

9. Seam - ListSelectMenus with dependencies

I'm trying to build some select boxes with dependencies on other select boxes. I'm fairly new to Seam - just to add this. Here is my JSF - for test purposes ...

10. Issue passing date type with f:param

I'm trying to filter a listPage by date and userid. From a datatable the selected userid and date value is passed to the listPage with the f:param tag. The list page ...

11. What is the 'official' SEAM way of listening to JSF-SEAM phases?

A simple question on the title. My case is that I want to listen to "before RENDER_RESPONSE" phase, and alter some components internal state. Is PhaseListener the "right way" to do this in ...

12. Should I use a Java Enum to Fetch user for a specific year?

I need to fetch user for a specific year in a web app built using Seam 2.2 and I was wondering if it would be reasonable to use a java Enum ...

13. DataModel and DataModelSelection in Seam problem

I wolud like use DataModel and DataModelSelection annotations in my managing component.

public class MyComponent {

   private List<Item> myDataModel;


14. What is the SEAM FrameWork and why would I want to use it?

I am a JSF developer and recently heard about the SEAM Framework but I don't know about it and what its benefits are.

15. JSF Seam StatusMessages read from Java

i have a JSF/Seam Page and added a new not HTML Interface. I reused the business logic, so StatusMessages.instance().add is used everywhere. Is there a default way to access and handle ...

16. Seam 3 in a nutshell?

As a JSF 2/PrimeFaces developer I've had a look at Seam 3 as something that could be useful in my project. So far the @RenderScoped functionality looks interesting as a replacement for view ...

17. Seam parameterized @RaiseEvent annotation?

is it possible to give an parameter to the @RaiseEvent annotation? I have an observer

@Observer(value = { MyEvents.MY_EVENT }, create = false)
public void doSomething(String oldValue) {
when using the method call, i ...

18. How to reuse templates from jar in a seam project

I want to pack my Templates in a jar and easy reuse them between projects. So far i have been able to pack, faclets pages and .page.xml files in the jar and ...

19. Jars for Seam API: FileNotFoundException during deployment

i've got a problem deploying my WAR bundling seam, seam-ui and seam-debug. When I start the JBossAS 6 Final from eclipse 3.8 or from run.bat under Win7 x64, I get the ...

20. Configure @Viewconfig Seam faces 3

I'm working on a simple project. My site will have only 2 pages. The front page, with the ogin and register controls, and a user page, that the user will be ...

21. Remember Me in Seam 3

How can I use the remember me feature of seam security 3??? I try the seam 2 way but it does not work... here my components.xml... not sure if this file is used ...

22. EntityManger null in seam unit tests

Below is the code I am trying to test, but getting null pointer exception on entityManager.find coz entityManager = null. Any suggestions?

@Converter(forClass= UserProfile.class)
public class UserProfileConverter implements javax.faces.convert.Converter {


23. Password Displayed on inputSecret too long

I Use JSF 1.2 and i want to display a password as six characters for the user, and since i use an md5 encryption, so the password is displayed too long. This ...

24. Seam & JSF - misunderstanding ?

I've written an e-commerce web application using Seam 2.2, JPA, and JSF that, of course, contains product search functionality. To accomplish this, I've created a class called SearchForm that contains ...

25. 2.2.1.CR3 and JSF 2

After that I will prepare new branch and work on 2.3.0,Alpha will start. This should change the Seam build system to fully mavenized project with Seam 2 modules. This transformation gives us possibility to prepare support for JSF 1.2 and JSF2 in parallel for backward compatibility. We will try to provide for instance jboss-seam-ui.jar and jboss-seam-ui-jsf2.jar as a result from this ...

26. About JSF

27. Accessing a JSF view from Web Services

28. ajax 4jsf is not bound

29. Brain Teaser! JSF is broken!!!

30. c:forEach+jsf problem

32. Does SEAM + SITEMESH + JSF work ?

33. Dynamically adding UIComponents in JSF

34. Embeddable object and JSF; what am I doing wrong?

@Embeddable public class EAddress implements Serializable { //private Long id; /** the type of address **/ @OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name="ID_ADDRESS_TYPE") private AdminValue addressType; /** primary street address **/ private String primaryAddressLine; /** secondary address line, usually used for apartments, condos, etc. **/ private String secondaryAddressLine; /** Post Office Box, if applicable **/ private String postOfficeBox; /** city **/ private String city; /** U.S. ...

35. encoded characters in JSF

36. How do I get the value from the JSF UIComponent?

I am really struggling trying to get the value from inputSecret JSF component. I am injecting the UIComponent. Once I call get() and get the component how do I get the value of it? This is an inputSecret component.@Inprivate Map uiComponent;//Change listener to make sure passwords matchpublic void verifyPasswordMatches(ValueChangeEvent e) { verifyPassword = (String) e.getNewValue(); UIComponent password = ...

37. How to implement securities in JSF2?

38. identity.hasPermission in JSF

I use seam security 3.1.0Beta and JBoss 7.0.2 Final. I am trying to use in JSF attribute rendered='#{identity.hasPermission(dashboard,"hello")}'. dashboard is name of named bean and hello is test method in that bean. I have found out by debugging that identity.hasPermission gets called. From that method get called permissionMapper.resolvePermission(target, action), that method calls resolver.hasPermission(resource, permission) (PersistenPermissionResolver gets called) and on permissionStore.isEnabled() it ...

39. Is possible use the actual Seam with JSF 2?

40. Is SEAM still needed when using JSF2?

Hi, i want to start new project. Already i used Struts2 and JSF2 with SEAM (but i'm not advanced). I want to use JSF2 and i'm wondering is any need to use SEAM with it? JSF2 is providing such funcionalities as AJAX support, CDI, Facelets are included, and many other.. So is SEAM still needed with JSF2? What it can provide? ...

41. JavaScript + JSF: Problem

42. JSF 2.0 , Seam 2.2.2 Compatibility

Hi All, I'm sure this topic has been discussed in the past but wanted to reconfirm this since I got some mixed answers from the forums so far. We plan to use JSF2.0/ Spring in our project and use the capability of Seam to give us the power of Conversation scope and give State to Spring wherever required based on the ...

43. JSF 2.0 Support

44. JSF2 and setting environment

Ops sorry, I forgot the last question. Glassfish prelude have the features of JEE6, is that right? Well maybe it have some complications cause it's too new, but you can give a try. In the Seam downloaded package there are some samples with Glassfish v2, maybe it's the same thing to configure, maybe not... try it. But remember that seam is ...

45. JSF 2 time line

46. JSF cannot find InputContainer

47. JSF Front End Architecture

One of the many benefits to work with SEAM is that it relieves many of the JSF constraints, while keeping and/or improving its benefits, so you can mainly focus on domain problems and choose the architecture you are more comfortable with without configuration overheads. For instance, in most cases, JSF beans are not necessary, because you can reach SEAM components directly ...

48. JSF + Seam not working....

but when I do this, and go to the error.seam for example, it loads my error.xhtml into the web page instead of putting it in the template and sending the whole page back. When I go to error.jsf, it correctly uses facelets to put the page into the template and send all the html back using the same error.xhtml file on ...

51. Migrating pure-JSF app to Seam

OK, let me ask in a different way. If someone wants to start injecting/using Seam a little bit at a time in an existing application, what are the proper procedures. I basically don't want Seam to touch anything about the existing application, and allow me to add Seam to ONLY the pages that need to leverage Seam functionality. I tried mucking ...

52. Mix JSF Return Code Logic in a Rule

53. mobile jsf

54. Parsing XML inside JSF

If I understand it correctly you want to include a piece of XML code in your page. If you want to do that as-is, you can use the RichFaces insert tag and do some pretty printing. If you want to dot the parsing, you have to write a bean which does the parsing and get the output to a value which ...

55. Problem with JDBC+Seam+JSF

Hi fellows, I need to use JDBC to do some inserts. There's a seam service component where I do a lookup of the DataSource to get the connection object. so far so good, the problem is: after a first insert, I clean the form fields but if I fill it up again and submit it, it doesn't insert anything. Any idea ...

56. Reasons why not use JSF

If you decided to use JSF you will once understand that implementing new requirements costs you as twice as it was one year ago. And stabilization stage lasts three months at the time it lasted one month a year ago. We all know what to do with that - use OOD, OOP, implement MVC or better DCI (java is not capable ...

57. Remoting and JSF rerender

58. Seam 2.1.1 and JSF 1.2_09 1.2_11 and SeamPhaseListener

I have problem with Seam 2.1.1 and JSF 1.2_09 ~ 1.2_11 and SeamPhaseListenerJSF 1.2_09 has a settign about escaping Unicode characters in JSF. I need this option as an alternative to difficult seam hacks that still do not provide the complete result.When I replace standard jsf libs of JBoss 4.2.2 with JSF 1.2_09, application throws Exceptions about two Seam phase listeners. ...

59. Seam 2 and JSF 2

60. Seam2 with JSF2.0+Richfaces4.x

61. Seam-2.x and JSF2

I'm not entirely sure, but if you look at the Seam 2.x configuration files, they all reference JSF 1.2. I think I tried a while back very briefly and was unable to sort it out. JSF 2 at that time was still unreleased, so it is hard to say if the new version fixes those issues. Seam 3.x would certainly support ...

62. Seam and JSF 2.0

63. Seam and jsf - using popup dialog windows

is there a way to get a popup dialog window using jsf and Seam instead of navigating to the page in the current window? i had this done before using a backing bean and just used the "useWindow='true'" attribute for the element to do this. But now that I brought in Seam it doesn't bring up a popup, it just ...

64. Seam Cache for JSF

65. Seam Catch and JSF

Re: Seam Catch and JSF 05. Dec 2011, 09:08 America/New_York | Link Markus Dahm Example stack trace to get what I mean: 14:47:36,802 ERROR [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper] (http-- ERROR: update or delete on table "deva_benutzer" violates foreign key constraint "fk21484eb7d52de102" on table "deva_firma_ansprechpartner" Detail: Key (id)=(8) is still referenced from table "deva_firma_ansprechpartner". 14:47:36,803 ERROR [] (http-- javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: ERROR: update or delete on ...

66. Seam Compatibility with JSF 2

67. Seam for JSF & Netbeans user

68. SEAM & JSF. How to?

70. Seam with JSF and Jasper Reports

71. Seam without JSF?

Don't get me wrong, I really like the stateful server side model. The thing is, I am sick and tired of RichFaces. RichFaces just can't deliver a proper datatable. A datatable with 20 rows makes 20 calls to the server side. And I am not interested in debugging somebody else's code. Secondly, there's whole bunch of javascript conflict going on when ...

72. Testing for development version in JSF?

I was wondering if anyone was aware of a way to check for whether the facelets.DEVELOPMENT has been set to true or false in web.xml? I'd like to use this as a cue to determine whether to use the minified versions of the ExtJS library or not. So for instance something like the following would be ideal:

73. unable to deploy jsf & html files

HelloI have Seam 2.2 , JSF 1.2 and JBOSS 5.1 installed on my computer. My JBOSS server is working fine as I can see it is running properly from http://localhost:8080/ . Unfortunately, I am not able to deploy any jsf or XHTML page and display them on webbrowser. As I read from documents, in order to deploy a jsf into a ...

74. Upgrade to JSF 2

78. Do you Shale ? Do you Seam ?

Originally posted by John Todd: .. prefer Seam or Shale ? Seam, by far! I have evaluated both. I started with Shale, played with it a bit then I switched over to Seam and never looked back. Seam is very aggressive in their releases. They have new updated releases out with major features (requested by users) every month. Shale is VERY ...

79. SEAM

80. JSF Seam Server Compatibility

81. Speed up your Data-Driven JSF Seam Application by Two Orders of Magnitude - Part 1 by Dan Allen

I am pleased to announce a new article from Dan Allen - Speed up your Data-Driven JSF/Seam Application by Two Orders of Magnitude - Part 1.In the first of this two-part article, Dan discusses some common performance problems you may encounter when using JSF components, Seam components, and the EL. You'll learn about the set of best practices for eliminating them ...

82. seam web remoting ArrayList problem

83. Seam EntityHome update parent problem

84. Tutorial for Seam Framework

85. No Seam, but...

86. JSF 2.0 in Seam?

Hi, in general it sounds like a good plan to me to standardize the parts of Seam which are well-proven in real world applications. But what about the future of Seam? Of course Seam is based on Java EE but I can imagine that a lot of people are not very happy that things they had developed for "their" framework are ...