suggestionbox « RichFaces « JSF Q&A

1. richfaces suggestionBox passing additional values to backing bean

When using the RichFaces suggestionBox how can you pass more than one id or value from the page with the text input to the suggestionBox backing bean. ie: to show ...

2. combining rich:inplaceInput with rich:suggestionbox

We want to pre-fill our richfaces suggestion-box with a inplace text. Are there any recommendations on how to do this? I think, simple replacement of h:inputText to rich:inplaceInput will not work.

<h:inputText id="field" ...

3. Richfaces suggestionbox

I'm trying to use a List of SelectItems with RichFaces suggestionBox component. The problem is I need to store the id rather than the label of the SelectItem. It seems that ...

4. space between the two words is trimmed in rich:suggestionbox in jsf

I have a combobox that is connected via the suggestionValues attribute to a list of Strings and some of these Strings have spaces in the middle of the text and sometimes ...

5. JSF2.0+RichFaces3.3.3 suggestionBox inside a modalPanel

Following this example I created a modal panel used for editing an entry. The difference is that one of my inputText fields has a suggestion box:

<h:inputText id="entryName" value="#{}" ...

6. Doubt regarding rich:suggestionbox?

I'm trying use rich:suggestionbox. I went through the tutorial provided by the Richfaces. important think is i am using richface 3.1.4 JAR. In the suggestion box i am just trying to ...

7. Suggestionbox performance issue

I am facing some performance issue with suggestion box. I have a page with 200 rows each row has 2 suggestion box for text field, the page takes more than 20 ...

8. Richfaces suggestionbox with a4j:support doesn't call method on onselect

I read all topics on this problem, but still can't get even closer to an answer on my problem. Here is the code:

<h:inputText id="bill-doctheme-input" style="width:170px;" value="#{billdoc.billSentDocument.docTheme}"/><h:graphicImage value="img/bulta.png" style="position:relative;top:5px;margin:0px;padding:0px" onclick="#{rich:element('bill-doctheme-input')}.value='';#{rich:component('bill-doctheme-suggest')}.callSuggestion(true)" alt=""/>
<rich:suggestionbox onobjectchange="printObjectsSelected(#{rich:element('doctheme-id')}, ...

9. rich:suggestionbox submits partial string

I use jsf 1.2, richfaces 3.3.2 . For some reason my suggestionbox submits the value i typed (a.k.a suggestion string) and not what i clicked in the suggested list that opens. How ...

10. RichFaces comboBox/suggestionBox rerender-problem

I'm having some problems with richfaces combobox/suggestionbox. Everything works fine when they're rendered along with the page, but as soon as I rerender the they're contained in, they're not rendered ...

11. rich:suggestionBox with suggestionAction in JavaScript

I have an input with <rich:suggestionBox>. It works very well with a suggestionAction in the bean. But I want to implement this suggestionAction in JavaScript instead. Here is the code of ...

13. Richfaces SuggestionBox Bug on select an item

Hello there! I use the old richfaces with jsf 1.1 and i cant update it. Whats happens: I Have a suggetionbox on a form and, when i tryng invoke a commandlink later of select an item from suggestionbox (onselect event), the action of commandlink dont call. Conflict between it and suggestionbox. A bug. Someone have an idea to solve it? Or ...

17. rich:suggestionBox -- strategy for optimizing queries

The rich:suggestionBox control allows a user to type in a few characters and get a drop-down list of elements matching the string. So, for example, if the box was backed by a bean that could search through cities in California, and I typed in "san", I'd get a long list including "San Diego", "Santa Barbara", "San Francisco", etc. If I then ...