panelgrid « RichFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Using a4j:support to make PanelGrid clickable, after the click the page doesn't refresh

I've made a button using HTMLPanelGrid and HTMLAjaxSupport (a4j:support from backing bean) that responds to 'onclick'. The eventlistener registered with the HTMLAjaxSupport adds a component to the page (a different ...

2. RichFaces - using the same actionParameter with two brothers under one panelgrid

I've got a panel grid with a rich faces support object and underneath that an action parameter object.

<h:PanelGrid id="button" value="button1">
 \-<a4j:support event="onclick" action="#{bean.doSomething}" >
 |      ...

3. Weird spacing in h:panelGrid with h:inputText and rich:comboBox

I am experiencing a very strange issue where the space before and after an rich:comboBox differs from that for a h:inputText. See the screenshot below. Everything is fine for the datePicker ...

4. h:panelGrid that looks like rich:dataTabale

I'm faced with task of coding a table with RichFaces, but this table is not a regular table where you have variable number of uniform rows of data. It has constant ...