highlight « RichFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Issue with highlighting selected tab in rich:tabPanel    stackoverflow.com

I am using rich:tabPanel to display the horizontal navigation. We are getting the number of tabs and tab details from the backing bean. The tabs are displaying correctly. But, we ...

2. Highlighting entire table row if validation fails    stackoverflow.com

I am working on JSF2.0 and Richfaces. I am having an requirement where I need to change the style of the form field(entire row) if the validation fails. I ...

3. Highlighting a dropzone when it's being draged over in Richfaces 4.0.0Final    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to highlight a dropzone when it is dragged over in Richfaces 4.0.0Final. I know it could be done in Richfaces 3.3.X using "ondragenter" and "ondragexit" attributes of the "rich:dropSupport" component. ...

4. How to highlight a selected tab(link) implemented by inside ?    coderanch.com

A toolbar is a variation of a menu, and what you're asking to do is (in effect) jam a menu. I'm not sure why gimmicking up a toolbar is going to be easier than converting to a tabbed panel, though. Your best bet might be to see if you can embed a set SelectOneRadio controls in the toolbar.

5. Highlighting a dropzone when it's being draged over in Richfaces 4.0.0Final    coderanch.com

Hi, I'm trying to highlight a dropzone when it is draged over in Richfaces 4.0.0Final. I know it could be done in Richfaces 3.3.X using "ondragenter" and "ondragexit" attributes of the "rich:dropSupport" component. But i can't figure it out using 4.0.0Final version since this specific attributes are not available anymore. Can I have some help? Thanks in advance. Ender.