commandButton « RichFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Intercept a4j:commandButton request

I am developing web application using A4J, Richfaces. One of my requirement is, I need to check if the user has changed any values in the form when he is trying navigate ...

2. RichFaces problem with ajax commandButton

Hi i have a problem with <a4j:commandButton> after i press it for some reason all buttons on this page are changing their style any suggestions would be much appretiated i have uploaded a video ...

3. JSF a4j:commandButton not working when 'disabled' is set

When I include a 'disabled' attribute on an a4j:commandButton, the button's action is not performed. Taking the 'disabled' attribute out causes it to work properly. I am not doing ...

4. I have a problem with a4j:commandButton and a reredering

The code below show whiche thing that is failing in my appliaction. It is a quick add information form, fill out the form and submit it add a new entry into a ...

5. Richfaces Model Panel Not Working in commandButton/Link With HigherVersion of browser

I m trying to call a model Panel through CommandButton in Windows Vista Mozilla Firefox:-Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101012 Firefox/3.6.11 GTB7.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) When Ever i m ...

6. Can I delay the a4j:commandButton 's action when using accesskey to click it?

I have a h:inputText which will calls a back-end method when the onchange() event occurs ,

    <a4j:support event="onchange" action="#{mBean.onInputChange}" />
and I have a a4j:commandButton which will ...

7. Use of a4j:commandbutton vs h:commandbutton to present-new-pages in richfaces

I have completely substituted the h:commandButton with a4j:commandLink in my application for reasons not relevant to this issue. Since then I am seeing flaky peculiar side-effects in IE8 such as select ...

8. put indicator (like a4j:status) on h:commandButton

We are using Richfaces 3.3.3.Final. Our problem is about navigation problem on a4j:commandButton. I know that navigation is not working properly if you we a4j:commandButton (please visit :

9. Should richfaces a4j:commandButton--> oncomplete work on every condition

I know navigation is a problem at a4j:commandButton. I solved that issue putting oncomplete tag (thanks to Stackoverflow).

  //jsf code
  ..a4j:commandButton id="start" action="#{myBean.doCalculation}"

10. Richfaces a4j:commandButton not working when enabled after a ajax response

I have richfaces page thru which i have to add/update/delete a user details. My form has user details fields (ex: UserID, first name, last name ...) along with the three buttons to ...

11. on clicking a4j:commandbutton, method does not get executed

I am developing an application using jsf2.0, richfaces 4.0, tomcat 6.0. On a page I am trying to delete a row . But when I click the delete icon, sometimes popup ...

12.  doesn't start the action - NO IDEA?

I'm trying to use dataModel instead of binding dataTable and have this issue. At the last column there is a commandButton which should be used for delete item from database. But ...

13. Richfaces: problem with a4j:commandButton

i started working with RichFaces to decorate my page but the problem lies within the "confirm" button here is my code

<a4j:commandButton  id="submit" value="Confirmer "  style="width: 175px"  action="#{Beanequi.connexionBD}" >
button is ...

14. Pressing enter it refreshes the page with a4j:commandButton

I've got this below:

 <h:inputText id="name" value="#{}" styleClass="medium-field" onclick="if (this.value == 'Name') this.value = ''" onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = 'Name'" />
 <a4j:commandButton action="#{someBean.find}" styleClass="bt-find" reRender="someFields"/>
When I type something on ...

15. Problem with Richfaces 4 and JSF2.0 when a4j:commandLink and a4j:commandButton not working properly

I have a simple login form. When I click Login, the a4j:commandButton works well and the place where contain Login form become the User Information with Logout link. But when I ...

16. commandButton in rich:modalPanel issues

17. Richfaces commandbutton action goes to the wrong method

Hi, I am using Seam/RichFaces here. Please see the attached figure. I am trying to create a database lookup. When I click on the button "click1" defined on line 41, the call goes to #{} which is the action for the button "search" defined on line 23 instead of #{accountHome.parentAccountXX}. Now the thing that is driving me nuts is that I ...

18. [RichFaces] a4j:commandButton, panel, modalpanel and hotkeys

For a user application I have a panel (id = 'panelID') with an a4j:commandButton on it (this button closes the current panel) and attached to it a rich:hotKey with the key 'Alt + q'. This combination executes the a4j:commandButton. I also have another button which triggers a rich:modalpanel (id = 'modalpanelID') to be shown. This modalpanel should also have an a4j:commandButton ...