checkbox « RichFaces « JSF Q&A

1. What is the correct way to have a boolean checkbox in a JSF / RichFaces `dataTable`?

What is the correct way to have a boolean checkbox in each row in a JSF / RichFaces dataTable? I tried the following snippet:

<rich:dataTable id="customerList"

2. How to change the radio button or checkbox layout

We use h:selectManyCheckbox and h:selectOneRadio for rendering choices against a certain element. We would like the flexibility to layout the choices either horizontally, vertically or sorted in ...

3. Panel reload after Checkbox Click

I have the following scenario (using rich faces):

  <a4j:outputPanel id="foo">
    <h:commandButton disabled="#{not _user.selected}" value="Do Stuff" />
  <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{_user.selected}">

4. select All checkbox in JSF without using Javascript

I am trying to select/unselect all checkboxes in the datatable using a single checkbox. As I am trying to set it on the server, I am unable to do so. I ...

5. RichFaces checkbox tree

I'm implementing RichFaces checkbox tree, and I've got a problem... I need to mark all the child nodes as selected when user selects root node... I guees it should be done ...

6. Custom checkbox (Use images in place of checkbox)

I'm looking to create a custom checkbox. I would like to display an active/inactive image in place of the checkbox. I'm limited to using JSF/Richfaces and Javascript if necessary. I wanted ...

7. How to add a checkbox to column headers in JSF/Richfaces?

I need to add checkboxes to every column header in a <rich:dataTable>. A selected checkbox means the corresponding column will be included in a pdf report to be generated from the ...

8. JSF select many check box with Rich faces repeat/alignment

I am trying to create a custom Time chart where an activity can be toggled on or off for a specific time. What I have right now is a table which looks ...

9. Pop up validation with checkbox while editing the data

I am facing following issue with richfaces popup panel. In the pop up, I am having a form with some text fields, and list of check boxes(I am using h:selectManyCheckBox ...