size « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. attribute size problem on tag

I have the same issue. I'm using netbeans 7.0, glassfish 3.1 and primefaces 3.0.M1. Windows7 64bits and jdk1.65 64bits

2. Automatic width size for Panel and TabView

Is there any way to make Panel width size and TabView width size automatic with the size or the number of components inside ? I discovered if the components are many ...

3. Questions to wizard size and navigation

Hello, I have two questions related to the wizard component. 1) Why p:wizard does support size in px only? I've tried to set width="100%" and got an exception (see WizardRenderer). But ...

4. p:autocomplete size attribute

Is there any way to use size attribute in a p:autocomplete component with percentage instead of pxls?

5. FileUpload: custom image not shown in exact size

6. FileUpload: Filesize-Preview and missing CSS-Attribute

29 Aug 2011, 17:19 by gofrm FileUpload: Filesize-Preview and missing CSS-Attribute Hi, i just downloaded and deployed the latest showcase.war which includes the 3.0.M3-Snapshot (28.8.). I noticed that the fileupload-component differs ...

7. Getting screen size

Code: ...

8. Size of a layoutUnit

9. DataTable column size

13 Sep 2011, 14:09 by borkert DataTable column size Hello, I'm trying to find out how to set the size of a column of a dataTable, but I can't get it ...

10. Paginator - how to change the size of {PageLinks}

hi, i would like to know what do i need to modify in order to make my {PageLinks} to only show 5 pages, instead of the 10 it comes by default. ...

11. How to manage percentage size with layout component?

>> << AndreaNobili Posts: 13 Joined: 13 Oct 2011, 20:36 15 Oct 2011, 16:10 by AndreaNobili How to manage percentage size with layout component? Hello, I am very new in PrimeFaces ...

12. Parameterized size for the Layout not working

I was trying to parameterize the layout size, fomr the template as ui:params, though the values are passed properly, But the layout sizes are not reflecting as expected. Snap-Code:

13. Layout Issue - Size Attribute

22 Oct 2011, 05:15 by murli.p.israni Layout Issue - Size Attribute Hi, Please comment on this - The code snippet - ...

14. TabView and Tab font size problem

Hi, I'm facing a problem with the tabView component. It renders the font larger than outside the tabView, i.e. tab header font and the tab header itself is bigger. I copied ...

15. Problem fitting gmap to tabView's size

Hi, some days ago I put a gmap inside a layoutUnit, setting its height and width to 100%, and everything worked as expected: the map filled the whole layoutUnit. ...

16. How to change the size of the titles of component

17. Changing size of a p:commandLink

18. A LayoutUnit size question

Hi, Is there anyway to get the current size of a p:layoutUnit ? (width and height) I need to pass this size to a backbean so all web pages can use ...

19. Theme Size too big

Hi, why my Theme is too large? How i can fix it? -------------------------- Glassfish V3 Prime 2.1 Snapshot Jsf 2.0 --------------------------

20. p:dialog with wrong default size


21. Data table does not adjust size to layout?

Hi, When putting a dataTable into a layoutUnit the table's height and width is not streched according to the layout unit. I always have to manually define the table's property width ...

22. p:calendar does not take html size attribute

Suggested way is CSS, you can use inputStyle or inputStyleClass options of calendar to specify width with CSS. Calendar is reimplemented in 2.1 so that might be the reasons, it is ...

23. Font size

Hi. I'm starting with JSF 2 and primefaces and i've a problem with the fonts size. I'm using Linux with firefox and the fonts are very bigger! I did try this ...

24. commandButton size

Prime Faces 2.2MI JSF 2.0.3 Mojarra 2.0.3 (FCS b03) Apache Tomcat-7.0.0 FireFox 3.6.10, IE 8, Google Chrome 6.0.472 Windows 7 IntelliJ Idea

25. Size of the components

Hi, I want to know if exist a way to change te size of the components, because in my case their appear to big for my taste, I would like a ...

26. Change size of Primefaces-Componentes

Hi, You probably haven't applied a theme to your project. See pages 396 and 397 of the user's guide for more information. Happy Coding!

27. How to change the font size of autoComplete item

.ui-autocomplete-input { font-size: 11px; } OR .ui-menu { font-size: 11px; } .ui-menu-item { font-size: 11px; }

28. Size of p:commandButton

29. primefaces problem with p: dataTable Paginator size 0

>> << diegoires Posts: 2 Joined: 30 Nov 2010, 21:44 30 Nov 2010, 22:20 by diegoires primefaces problem with p: dataTable Paginator size 0 I would like to inform you that ...

30.  fixed size

Hello , I`am using like this Now my problem`s description . When I`m changing the settings(for example I ...

31. p:menu content size issue

The issue you created has been marked as "won't fix", but I wanted to add that the suggested work-around doesn't work so good. The right triangle will still wrap even with ...

32. Chart sizing broken

11 Apr 2011, 23:09 by Sean Chart sizing broken The chart sizes do not change when set in the