pagination « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. after filtering Empty rows blank rows displayed while paging in the datatable using Primefaces

I have problem with datatable using Primefaces 2.2.1 and JSF 2.0. I have used filtering and paging in the datatable. When I try to filter the selected data is displayed and when ...

2. jsf primefaces - two p:dataTable pagination questions

I'm using a p:dataTable with pagination like so:

<p:dataTable var="user" value="#{userBean.users}" 
   paginator="true" rows="20"  
   paginatorTemplate="{PageLinks}" >
Two questions: 1) Is there a way to tell it to not ...

3. Primefaces Pagination Listener With Selection

I have a collection of elements (images) that I have in the paginator and it displays them one by one and the page also has a save commandButton. Is there ...

4. prime faces' paginator doesn't work

I work with prime faces 2.2.1,firefox 4.0. The code below rendered a datatable with paginator. But the paginator doesn't work. If I delete the code ,it works. But they can't meet ...

5. Primefaces Pagination Rows can Columns Must be equal?

I'm experimenting with Primefaces navigation and selection and only if my rows and columns values match exactly (both 3 can't be rows=1 columns=3) then I have no problem passing the selected ...

6. Reset Primefaces Pagination Selected Page on Ajax Request

I'm not sure if this is a bug or just something that isn't implemented but I can't update the dataGrids page property to reset the pagination to page 1. I've ...

7. Primefaces : lazy loaded datatable's paginator buttons not showing

i have previously used datatable pagination and it worked as a charm. This time i needed to use the lazy loaded pagination and its showing the first page and there are ...

8. Efficient JSF Pagination

Whats the most efficient way of doing pagination in JSF 2.0 app? I use Primefaces datatable and it is intelligent enough to perform pagination by itself with no coding at all.

<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{}" ...

9. How to update other components when rowsPerPage or page changes in

I would like to update a component showing data related to the info displayed in the current page of a primefaces dataTable but I couldn't find any info about intercepting ajax ...

10. Data in datatable disappears when using pagination and requestscope

I am using PrimeFaces and Datatable with pagination. I have a request scope of the backing bean and when I browse through the datatable the data disappears (nothing to show). I ...

11. Primefaces Mobile Pagination

Hi, How do you deal with large lists in Primefaces mobile? Most web/native apps have the ability to incrementally load more rows when you scroll to the bottom (e.g. gmail webapp ...

12. Problem with rowSelection in nested Datables with pagination

Hello! I have the following: a with rowExpansion (but without selection and pagination) in which another is placed. The inner dataTable looks like this: Code:

13. DataGrid Pagination problems

Hi all, I'm facing a strange problem using DataGrid with pagination. I just imported Primefaces Showcase (1.0.0-SNAPSHOT) available at downloads page to a Eclipse project and deployed in Tomcat 7.0. First ...

14. p:fileDownload inside p:dataTable and pagination

>> << chudikm Posts: 11 Joined: 13 Jun 2011, 15:33 13 Jun 2011, 16:00 by chudikm p:fileDownload inside p:dataTable and pagination Hi guys, I experience problem when placing downloading of a ...

15. DataTable Selection + Pagination Issue

public boolean isPaginationRequest(FacesContext context) { if(pageRequest == null) { Map params ...

16. Pagination stops working when deleting last selected row

14 Jul 2011, 17:53 by beto22 Pagination stops working when deleting last selected row When I delete the last selected row of my datatable the pagination stops working, but it works ...

17. Wrong pagination with lazy data model

Hello, I am trying to combine pagination and lazy data model, but I found a problem. Whenever I change filter, two "select count(*) ..." are generated. One before loading data and ...

18. PickList and Pagination

Hi all, I would like to use a picklist to let the users select one or more property. The list of properties can be large and it takes long to load ...

19. instability with pagination datatable component

Good Morming, I'm going through instability with pagination datatable component, when I'm browsing through the records, they appear and then disappear, also has a button to edit the registry and also ...

20. Bug Pagination

>> << vuimotti87 Posts: 1 Joined: 30 Jul 2011, 15:12 30 Jul 2011, 15:27 by vuimotti87 Bug Pagination I have : Code: