axis « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Custom X & Y -axis labels for the Primefaces charts

I have p:barchart graph in my application and I use Primefaces version3.2 with JSF2. My question is how can I customize the labels on my Y-axis. Chart is picking values from my model ...

2. lineChart: Customizing the axis

Hello, I use a lineChart component in my JSP page. The values on the x-axis represent dates as strings, the values on the y-axis temperatures as floats. How can I customize ...

3. Negative Y axis label value for vertical chart

4. spinner boxes should not have z-axis 100

Hi! I'm almost new to PrimeFaces (tested an early bird a year ago or so) and am evaluating 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT for now (built from latest source). I experienced a few small problems: ...

5. Negative Y-Axis values in charts

How can I handle negative values in y-axis. In my bar chart my Y-axis values start from the lowewst values in the range which is negative. I want the negative part ...

6. p:lineChart with date axis

16 Sep 2011, 15:34 by AndreasJ p:lineChart with date axis I'm wondering whether the support for charts over time (xaxis with date values) will be added in Primefaces 3.0RC1. There is ...

7. Chart with time on x-axis

Hello, it would be very useful if the linecharts would support java.util.Date on the x-Axis. This seems to be not supported, or did I miss something? Regards, Sven

8. Line chart axis labels

Hi, I have a lot of data to put in a line chart. Unfortunately, the description / labels of the x-axis are overlapping heavily such that one cannot read them. My ...

9. Number Format Chart Axis

10. Logarithmic axis for charts

12. Hiding some labels on x-axis (LineCharts) ?

Hi everybody, I'm actually developping a J2EE application (jsf 1.2, richfaces 3.3.1,...). Using also PrimeFaces, i want to use the lineChart to display some information. On the x-axis, i got time ...

13. X-axis and Y-axis Label for Column charts

hi , I'm using prime column chart in our application, i have 2 question. 1. Is there any attribute to show the label of x-axis and y axis. 2. In the ...

14. Setting chart axis

Hi, In some cases I need to set x and y axis to be non default. Primefaces hardcodes YAHOO.widget.CategoryAxis to define xAxis in charts. I patched 2.0 release to enable setting ...

15. Not able to get X and Y axis Title in a chart.

I'm trying to display X and Y axis title for a stacked column chart , but not able to display and not aware which attribute to use. can you guys help ...