TextArea « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. handling line breaks in primefaces textarea submitted value    stackoverflow.com

I have a primefaces textarea. User simply enters multiple lines in it and submits the form. In my backing bean, value is split at line-breaks. Each line is validated. The valid ...

2. Which component to use in JSF or PrimeFaces for an incrementally updated text area?    stackoverflow.com

I have been looking around for a component in JSF or PrimeFaces which could be incrementally updated with new message for a broadcasted messages output panel. I can think of only taking ...

3. textarea limit character    forum.primefaces.org

Hi, Now Im working with primefaces 3.0 and I want to propose a new feature. Now, im using a script to set a limit on the number of characters a user ...

4. Keyboard with textArea    forum.primefaces.org

Hi guys, i've been using primefaces for a while now, and i've never tried to mix the keyaboard with an h:inputTextArea, and i am needing it. Have anyone has a clue ...

5. BUG - Modal dialog with textarea problem    forum.primefaces.org

Just reporting a bug I've found. (I'm using Primefaces 2.2.1) I put a p:inputTextArea component inside a p:dialog (modal) and whenever I type something in this textarea the dialog height increases, ...

6. Duplicate textarea being outputted    forum.primefaces.org

Far as I can tell this is now the way it's done. In M4 anyway. You'll notice that the second one is hidden, and has the id you set, so this ...

7. Getting text from textArea    forum.primefaces.org

I'm trying to retrieve text from a TextArea, but all I'm getting is a blank string. I'm using previewTextArea.value to get the text.