Extension « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Primefaces FileUpload Get File Extension    stackoverflow.com

I'm using the primefaces fileUpload component and then I inspect the FileUploadEvent.getFile but I don't see a way to reliably get the extension. Any ideas?

2. 3.0 PickList Extension?    forum.primefaces.org

Is it possible to extend the data items of a picklist like SelectOneMenu in custom example (Showcases) - I would prefer to add Images to the data items.

3. Display error when I add file extension .rar in application    forum.primefaces.org

Code: Initializing... deploy?DEFAULT=C:\NetBeansProjects\EJB3ImageByte\dist\gfdeploy\EJB3ImageByte&name=EJB3ImageByte&force=true failed on GlassFish Server 3.1 Error occurred during deployment: Exception while deploying the app [EJB3ImageByte]. Please see server.log for more details. C:\Users\Minh\Documents\NetBeansProjects\EJB3ImageByte\nbproject\build-impl.xml:288: The module has not ...

4. Extension Request for accordeon: changelistener    forum.primefaces.org

Hi, I just saw in the 2.2 labs demo, that the TabView got an ajax changelistener. This is exactly what I'd really need for the accordeon to be able to pre-select ...

5. p:wizard - extension request and bug ?    forum.primefaces.org

If have a p:wizard containing an p:accordion in one of its p:tab 's. The problem now is, that the wizard's tab does not change it's height, so that the accordion could ...

6. Custom extension of AjaxBehaviorRenderer - why source:this    forum.primefaces.org

07 Mar 2011, 17:06 by brunoaranda Custom extension of AjaxBehaviorRenderer - why source:this Hi, I am creating a custom ajax behaviour by extending Primefaces. My custom behavior has a timeout before ...