AjaxBehavior « PrimeFaces « JSF Q&A

2. PF 3.0 M2 - AjaxBehavior listener gets lost on dynamic way    forum.primefaces.org

Hi, since PF 3.0 M2, there are no more listener attributes on the components as described on Catagay's blog: http://cagataycivici.wordpress.com/2011/05/13/ajax-events-as-behaviors/. So, from M2 on, we create a "drop area" like this ...

3. AjaxBehavior is casted to List?    forum.primefaces.org

>> << i.petruk Posts: 6 Joined: 04 Jul 2011, 12:46 06 Jul 2011, 11:26 by i.petruk AjaxBehavior is casted to List? I have a wizard-like page with two buttons Next and ...

4. AjaxBehavior does not have a setEvent method    forum.primefaces.org

5. AjaxBehavior not detected    forum.primefaces.org

Hello, I have this error when i use --> javax.faces.FacesException: Expression Error: objet named org.primefaces.component.AjaxBehavior not detected at com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationImpl.createBehavior(ApplicationImpl.java:859) at com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.BehaviorTagHandlerDelegateImpl.applyAttachedObject(BehaviorTagHandlerDelegateImpl.java:142) at javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler.applyAttachedObject(FaceletsAttachedObjectHandler.java:91) I use the 2.2 M1 version of ...

6. AjaxBehavior programatically    forum.primefaces.org

18 Oct 2010, 22:47 by dmantil AjaxBehavior programatically Hi again! I'm still working in my upgrading to Primefaces 2.2 process !!!! With previus primefaces version i used something like this: UIAjax ...