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1. JSF: How to forward a request to another page in action?

I want to forward request to another page from action class I am using below code in my jsf action :

 public String submitUserResponse(){

2. Navigate to the Same Page After Action in JSF 2

I have a component done in JSF 1.x, this component has a command button as follows

<h:commandButton ... action="#{}" />
Where templateController was passed as an EL binding and can be any object ...

3. JSF: Unwanted page refresh on action call

Sometimes, if I click a commandButton that calls an action method, it will just do a page refresh without actually calling the method! I set a breakpoint in that method and if ...

4. JSF 2.0: POST/Redirect/GET pattern when action method return null (stay on the same page)

I need to avoid double POST on refresh. So I'm using POST/Redirect/GET pattern (faces-redirect=true) and navigation handler (by @BalusC) like in this post. How to use that pattern ...

5. Action method not working when iframe is called from jsf page

In my JSF page I have a iframe which displays a menu on my left side. I have noticed that due to iframe when I clicj commandbutton, it's action method doesn't gets ...

6. Refreshing a Page, repeats last action

Hello Ranchers, I am currently developing an application. I'm using Myfaces flavour of JSF. Using a t:dataTable to display the database data. However, there is a button to create new object and another to delete. But each time I either delete or create a new row then refresh the page, the last action is always repeated (and in continues each time ...

9. JSF 2.0 Page Actions

10. Unwanted page refresh on action call