url « JSP « JSF Q&A

1. Absolute url in jsp    stackoverflow.com

While including css, js and images in my jsps I am facing a problem resolving relative urls. The urls get changed on refreshing the page or clicking the back button. I ...

2. How to avoid jsession id being appended to url?    stackoverflow.com

Possible Duplicate:
Is it possible to disable jsessionid in tomcat servlet?
We have a Spring , JSF application at Skill-Guru Problem: User opens the site ...

3. Current JSP(JSF) doesn't match the URL    coderanch.com

I am trying to learn JSF in WSAD 5.1.2. I have four faces JSPs: Login.jsp, AdminMainMenu.jsp, UserMainMenu.jsp and UserSearch.jsp. After starting WTE, I ran my Login.jsp which displayed the Login.jsp and gave me the URL of "http://localhost:9080/medsup/faces/Login.jsp". After typing the userid and clicking the submit button, it then went to "UserMainMenu.jsp" with the URL of "http://localhost:9080/medsup/faces/Login.jsp;jsessionid=0000YXtEAWkUp2LuBHHUdCfwX4Z:-1". The following are the codes ...