maven « JSP « JSF Q&A

1. Pom Dependency

Which dependency should be added in pom file to import org.apache.tiles.controller?

2. How include JSTL for a JSF project

I'm working on a JSF 2.0 project using Mojarra, PrimeFaces and Tomcat 6.x. I need to use c:forEach for some primefaces component like dynamic number of p:tab but i have problem with ...

3. Error when deploying a JSP/Servlet project with maven on jboss6

Problem with Maven Dependency. Hello All, This is in reference to my earlier post Error with Jboss while deploying a jsp/servlet web app "com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener" Error When i dont build via maven and export the ...

4. How to configure jsf with jsp

I want to use jsf tags in jsp. How to do this? I configured the pom file with jsf dependency which is given below
