config « JSP « JSF Q&A

1. Requested resource not found for sub-context in case of JSF

My JSF application is deployed under tomcat and server.xml is configured as follows for my application

   <Host name="" appBase="/home/myapp/public_html">

2. Error with Jboss while deploying a jsp/servlet web app "com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener" Error

I am working on JSP/Servlets the web app is to be deployed on Jboss 6. I am using java 1.6 Eclipse Maven2. I do not refer to JSF anywhere in my code My ...

4. JSF message in faces-config.xml itself

Hi All, JSF Newbie Question: Is it possible to use messages from a bundle within faces-config.xml? For example in faces-config.xml I have the following: resources.ApplicationMessages I want to set some default values for a managed bean which contains an array whose values I want to show up in a listBox or comboBox for a JSF Faces page, rather than ...