persist « JPA « JSF Q&A

1. Can't figure it out how to resolve javax.persistence.PersistenceException

We are trying to build a JSF application with JPA. For now, we want to make the login feature, but when we run the application on our glassfish server, there is ...

2. Questions on Persisting elements with relations

I usually see examples of entities that are being persisted on the net using JPA but it only involves one entity. But I can't get myself to understand if there are ...

3. Persisting two entities at the same time

I have been struggling with this for sometime and can't seem to get past the problem. I have a persisted entity called SiteVisit which is many-to-many related to Staff via an ...

4. java ee many-to-many persistance

I am new to Java EE, and I set up a learning case for myself where I can register users and persist the data to the database, I use glasshfish, eclipaseLink ...

5. Persistence Error Message: An instance of a null PK has been incorrectly provided for the find operation

I am trying to use Netbeans 7.01 to follow a tutorial on JSF 2.0 and JPA. I am using oracle XE and JDBC_6. I used JSF pages from entities wizard to ...