glassfish « JPA « JSF Q&A

1. EJB not recognized in enterprise application

I am working on Eclipse and I want to create an enterprise application using Glassfish and MySQL. I created a Enterprise Application Project, with EJB and WEB modules, named WeatherEJB and WeatherWeb. In ...

2. JSF 2: h:link and getrowdata

If I have a h:dataTable in books.xhtml providing a list of records and I want to view a particular record, then add or edit that record, currently I have this:

<h:dataTable #{BookBean.books}" ...

3. Best option for hosting Java/JSF/JPA based web application

I was planning to host my first web application in Google App Engine, but realized that it does not support JPA well.. So looks like GAE is ruled out.. I am using ...

4. Problem with JPA + GlassFish log