eclipselink « JPA « JSF Q&A

1. How to use Eclipselink @Multitenant in JSF/EJB?

The @Multitenant support in Eclipselink 2.3 looks really interesting, but I'm having a hard time understanding how to use it in a JSF or EJB which injects an EntityManager with @PersistenceContext. ...

2. newbie - i have spent a fair amount of time getting to understand JSF and JPA (eclipseLink)

hi folks i am looking for a tutorial (ideally a sample application) that show cases how JSF and JPA can be used. i have tried to find such tutorial that would have multiple entities (database tables) with different relationship types such as: one-to-many one-to-one many-to-many *AND* demonstrating how the front-end in JSF works when having to submit details from one entity ...