valueChangeListener « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Question about Icefaces and valueChangeListener

I used icefaces 1.7.1, and i use ice:inputText with valueChangeListener like that :

<ice:inputText value="#{}" valueChangeListener="#{myBean.nameChangedListener}"/>
In i have:
public void nameChangedListener(ValueChangeEvent event){
   // test the new value : ...

2. ICEfaces SelectOneMenu ValueChangeListener not working

I have a simple ice:SelectOneMenu and an ice:outputLabel and all I want to do is when I change the value in my dropdown to set the text in my label to ...

3. icefaces valuechangelistener - not resetting inputfield - only resetting outputlable

I'am new to this forum. Kindly need help ASAP. I'am using Icefaces 2.0.1. I want to change the value of the inputfields on change of the radio buttons. The valueChangeListener on a ...

4. valuechangeListener not working - after validation fails - need help - Very urgent

The valuechangeListener is not getting invoked, if any field validation fails in form. The valuechangelistener is working properly until any field validation occurs. After which is it not getting invoked. Please find by ...

5. Submit action getting called before valueChangeListener

We are working on JSF1.0 with IceFaces. I have a page with <ice:selectInputText> component in it. When user changes the values, I call the backend valueChangeListener to populate the options for select ...

7. valueChangeListener issues

8. Problems with valueChangeListener And selectInputDate

Hello I use icefaces 1.8+ jsf 1.2 + SWF 1.0.4 + woodstock4.1 I have two problems. 1.- When I invoke a page view.xhtml with view.iface from flow File: form.userform.mainicefaces-flow Code: I can use valueChangeListener perfect, but seletInputDate not work (not show popup) 2.- When I Invoke a page view.xhtml with view.xhtml with flow ...

10. ValueChangeListener is being called twice

Hello, here is my problem: I am using a textinput with partialSubmit and a valueChangeListener. So if the input's value is being changed the VCE is called. In the VCE the new value will be modified(to upper case and some chars will be added) and saved to the model plus component. After this the response will be rendered. The model AND ...

12. ValueChangeListener question??

14. Why the valuechangelistener has different bahaviors after the second time

A strange issue I met in my code. I have a valuechangelistener binding with a selectionOneRadio. On the page, when I clicked the radio at the first time, the event was triggered, then one section should be hided on the page. But it didn't happen. Then I click it again, that section was hided on the page. I am not clear ...

16. valueChangeListener is not called

21. ice:tree and valuechangelistener

Hi! I write my adventures of this problems. Perhaps it helps everybody. I made a valueChangeListener on a treeNode. When it fired, in the events clientId was perfect, but TreeNodeComponent was the last TreeNode on the tree. (It got c.getComponent().getParent().getParent()) because my component was on a panelGroup too. In the original way it calls the right valueChangeListener, if my valueChangeListener is ...

24. problem with multiple selectOneMenu components and valueChangeListener

I have three selectOneMenu components, one each for Product, Component and Part. When the user selects a Product from the first menu, I need it to populate the components with appropriate values, and the same for Parts when the component is chosen. I implemented a backing bean for this, and in the bean I store the selected value for each component. ...

26. Validator and valuechangelistener

Hi, I work on a big enterprise application and I want to bind to an inputfield a validator method through validator attribute and a valuechangelistener method through valuechangelistener attribute. I have observed that the valuechangelistener method is not called anymore. When I delete the validator the the valuechangelistener is called. I wanted to test this "unwanted" behaviour on a small application ...

33. issue in selectOneMenu valueChangeListener

In my page I have selectonemenu and I have noticed that when I click the pagination of datatable, valueChangeListener method is getting invoked without actually changing values or options in selectonemenu. How is this happening and how could I prevent this from happening as I need to invoke valueChangeListener method only if user changes values in selectonemenu. Thanks and appreciate any ...

34. ice:inputText binded to another ice:inputText using valueChangeListener

Hello, I know this subject has been discussed a lot but i couldn't find a solution for my problem (try with binding, eventPhase ...). So if someone can point me to a solution it would be nice :) My simple test case is composed by 4 inputText fields where when the first changes the third must change as well (same for ...

36. Call to valueChangeListener via JavaScript?

The Short Version: I want to call the ValueChangeListener of a inputText component via JavaScript. How might I do that? The Longer Version: I have a inputText componenet that holds the name of a color (for example, "#FFDDEE") and a button next to that component that, when pressed, pops up a color picker. That color picker will put the selected color ...

37. valueChangeListener problem

Hi Philip, The valueChangeListener do receive a valueChangeEvent. That isn't the problem. Situation is that if radio button in 2nd row is selected and after that I select radio button in 5th row all other radio buttons(including one in 2nd row) should be unchecked. I do that in valueChangeListener function but after that valueBinding change that and both radio buttons in ...

38. valuechangeListener

39. valueChangeListener and server-side view manipulation

I'm trying to manipulate the view in my backing bean by way of a valueChangeListener method. I have two radio buttons which will toggle the display of their respective panelGrids. That is to say that if radioA is selected, I want panelA to be visible. If radioB is selected, I want to display panelB. From what I've read, I've gathered that ...

40. 1.6DR5 SelectInputText valueChangeListener is now called on Action events

Hi! I just tried the latest Dev release 5 of version 1.6 and now I see a different behaviors with the selectInputText. It seems that now on selection action (now left-click works and also enter) it calls the valueChangeListener action as well as the actionListener action. The problem I see with this is that on valueChangeListener, my list of suggestion is ...

41. selectInputText tab selection not calling valueChangeListener

Here is the deal-i-o: - I have a selectInputText field for selecting zipcodes from a drop down. When that field is selected, I want to auto populate city and state fields. Seems like a pretty simple thing to do. My backing bean has the city and state text fields bound and if I left-click on the selectInputText's drop down list of ...

43. valueChangeListener fires many methods in the backing bean

Using ICEFaces 1.6.0 DR5, I have a very similar test application working OK - similar in the fact that it's doing the same Country / Area drill-down thing. My code is like: Code: <ice:outputText value="ICEfaces, Ajax for Java EE" /> ...

47. ValueChangeListener is not firing

48. selectOneMenu - valueChangeListener

Hi, I do not understand the behaviour of my selectOneMenu(s). It fires the valueCange event several time after one useraction. When I place two selectOneMenus on my form, it fires the valueChange events as expected (one / per action and per element). As soon, as I add a backing bean with binding options for these two elements, it fires up to ...

49. Problem with valueChangeListener

50. Disabling ValueChangeListener

Hi, I am facing problem with icefaces ValueChangeListerner with SelectTextBox control. I have to validate the SQL which i will enter in the inputtextarea, if the SQL is not valid then i have to give error message. If error message is there ValueChangeListener which is associated with the SelectTextBox is not firing. Can any body tell the reason. thanks Bommana

51. inoutText et valueChangeListener

53. Changing other fields in valueChangeListener on ice:selectInputText

I have an ice:selectInputText with a valueChangeListener. Depending on the input I would like to update other bean fields. But doing this has no effect on the inputTexts on the page. I would like them to display the value they are bound to which is now changed. Is there a way to accomplish this?

58. SelectOneMenu -- valueChangeListener