timezone « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. ice:selectInputDate CEST timezone    icefaces.org

3. Timezone Tutorial    icefaces.org

4. Feedback on Getting Started Tutorial: TimeZone example    icefaces.org

Hey there, the getting started example greatly helped me understand ICEFaces, thanks. I've come across two simple errors in step 4 (Dynamic Table Rendering): 'checkBoxStates' (map) is not mentioned anywhere The code as included in the pdf has a flaw (different from sample code): Modifying TimeZoneBean.java, step 6: The 'else' case should correspond to 'if ( checked )'. You do a ...

5. Timezone of client browser?    icefaces.org

7. Timezone tutorial    icefaces.org

8. Timezone Tutorial    icefaces.org

Hi there, I'm just getting started. I'm working through the timezone tutorial which comes with the binary distr of icefaces. In order for this post to make any sense to you, you will have to be familiar with this tutorial. I have found a bug. You may want to update your tutorial guide for timezone to reflect this. In the FIRST ...

9. CommandButton requires containing form on Timezone sample app    icefaces.org

I'm trying to get the timezone app running. I page renders far enough to display the time and this keeps refreshing. But I don't get a map or any controls. And in my console I get this exception on every refresh: [28/11/07 17:52:49:826 GMT] 00000072 D2DFaceletVie E com.icesoft.faces.facelets.D2DFaceletViewHandler renderResponse Problem in renderResponse: Missing Form - the UIComponent of type [class javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton] ...

10. SelectInputDate timezones    icefaces.org

Hi, I have a simple page with a SelectInputDate that seems to be having some challenges converting across timezones. My JVM is running in GMT, When I select Feb 2nd the component maps this to my bean as Feb 1st@19:00 (which seems to be GMT -5, which makes sense since I'm on EST). I know this is a timezone issue somewhere, ...