1. IceFaces 1.8 + SWF 2: issue with standardRequestScope = true icefaces.org |
2. Errors with com.icesoft.faces.standardRequestScope = true icefaces.orgGood Day, i am developing a time acquisition application on base of IBM Lotus Domino/ Glassfish. I am using a page for same action like show, delete and update, so it is important that reinit happend by showing this page. Yes it my first IceFace Application ;) I already set up Comet Handler and install the PushServer. But on this Configuration ... |
3. standardRequestScope icefaces.orgHi, I am having problems with standardRequestScope |
4. standardRequestScope - did someone managed to use it? icefaces.orgHi, I need some of my beans to have a standard request scope behavior ie being reinitialized at each user request. The problem is that when I set this param to true, I get "session expired" message. Digging in logs, I see that request is not even put through processing pipeline. Searching through the forum I found several people having same ... |
5. Image disappear after standardRequestScope setting true icefaces.org |
6. standardRequestScope and push icefaces.orgIs it required when using Push, that the standardRequestScope be set to false? What is the effect of setting it to true? I understand basic request scope, but am not sure what functionality is added by setting it to false. Somewhere along the way, I got the impression that it is required with push, but can someone tell me . . ... |