renderer « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. How to register a custom renderer in JSF?

We have numerical values in our database, representing a two-value-state. Of course this would perfectly match a boolean, but oracle has no such datatype. The NUMBER(1,0) type from the database is ...

2. IceFaces Push Renderer does not work - FacesContext is null for the current thread

I am trying to build a sample application using ICEfaces 2.0 , glassfish 3.0.1, JMS. I have created a JMS Topic publisher which is a desktop application and publishes some data ...

4. Custom component renderer problem...

5. Interval renderer and output charts

6. Session Renderer & Apache (AJP13)

7. Call renderer from EJB

Hi there, Is it possible to call an onDemandRenderer from an EJB? I have a long lived background process that I start off by calling a TimerEJB from a managed backing bean and ideally i'd like the EJB to signal when its task is complete by calling a renderer that the page is subscribed to. I've not found anything so far ...

8. How to change renderer to my own?

10. Howto register my own renderer for HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox?

I am still facing this problem. Let me explain it some further: I have numerical values in my database, representing a two-value-state. Of course this would perfectly match a boolean, but oracle has no such datatype. The NUMBER(1,0) type from the database is matched to a java.lang.Short type in Java (sometimes they used a NUMBER(*,0) to represent booleans, which are matched ...

11. Is it possible to override a components renderer?

Issue: When displaying a fixed width select menu with long values, IE cuts the values off and can make the select virtually useless. In order to work around this I would like to add a title attribute to the options under the select. With this, when the user opens the select menu and hovers over one of the options with the ...

12. Session scoped bean and facelets renderer

Hi, With IceFaces and facelets, I use the same backing bean in the differents tabs of a panelTabset. The bean is session scoped. When I switch from one tab to another, I noticed that the facelets renderer reinstantiates each time the session scoped bean ! I cannot save a persistent state (ie the active tab) in the bean. Someone have an ...

13. Modifying an ICEFaces Renderer

15. Writing custom component renderer: DOM issues

Hello! Our team is trying to create some custom Ice Faces components. While there is a very nice DOMContext/DOMResponseWriter pair, we are a bit confused how it is possible to use org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLDocument hierarchy instead of standard org.w3c.dom.Document one. Are there any simple ways to provide our own DocumentBuilder? The DomResponseWriter.DOCUMENT_BUILDER field is static so we afraid that some components could become ...

17. Writing the renderer

Hi all, I want to write the renderer of command sort header component. for that purpose i have write the renderer, and make the entry of that renderer in the faces-config.xml as followed- commandHeader my.myRenderer com.icesoft.icefaces.samples.showcase.components.table.MyRenderer now i bind that renderer in backing bean as follows- commandHeader.setArrow(true); commandHeader.setRendererType("my.myRenderer"); and following is the code on jsp--

18. Customize renderer? - How to highlight inputText when its state is invalid?

Hi, i'm newbie in jsf and icefaces. Pls if u can, help me. Problem that i'm solving: when validation on inputText fails i want to also highlight the input with red background-color instead of only showing next to the input. I saw some solution in this forum like to bind component to backing bean and return new attribute with ...

19. custom renderer for dataPaginator - ?

22. AJAX Push - OnDemand renderer