outputResource « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

2.  inside of     icefaces.org

3. ice:outputResource doesn't understand mime type returned from bean    icefaces.org

I'm using the ice:outputResource component in my page. Instead of hard-coding the mime type attribute in the page, I'm using an EL expression to retrieve it from the managed bean. In the managed bean, the getter method returns the mime type as a string. E.g., "application/rtf". But the page throws a null pointer exception saying that EL expression for the mime ...

4. [OutputResource] Can't add hooks/listeners on downloading process    icefaces.org

Hi, I'm currently trying to implement a customer's requirement to show the download location on a web page after a file has been downloaded using the ice:outputresource component. It works like this: a file has been uploaded to and converted by the server earlier in the process. The user is then given the opportunity to download this converted file via a ...

6. outputResource calls method every partial submit    icefaces.org

Hey guys, We are upgrading our webapp to 1.7.2 SP1b and one of the new features we were excited about was the outputResource component so we didn't need a custom download servlet. In exploring the component we ran into two issues; any feedback would be appreciated. - The get method for the resource is called any time the page is refreshed ...

10. outputResource: Help Needed!    icefaces.org

The outputResource does not render on my jsp! Here is the concerned part of the jsp: Here is the concerned part in the page java private void _init() throws ...

11. outputResource rendering    icefaces.org

12. outputResource refresh changed file    icefaces.org

13. Problem with outputResource    icefaces.org

14. The OutputResource component does not go far enough    icefaces.org

Just want to share a little with my experiences/frustrations with the new Output Resources component. First let me say that I am not trying to be anything other then constructive. These are just my experiences based on my requirements. My requirements: 1. popup a dialog box and collect a to_date and a from_date 2. generate a server side report (using Oracle ...

15. OutputResource: How to get the name of selected file???    icefaces.org

Hi. I have my outputResource working correctly, but when I use a list of files I can't see how can I get which element has been selected. The next code give a list of files, so I need to know which of them has been selected to get the name of the file.

16. 1.8 and fileName attribute in OutputResource    icefaces.org

Dear ice users After migrating to 1.8.1 the outputResource in my app displays differing behavior. The following code worked as expected in 1.7.2 where a dynamically generated file name was given to the downloaded file. 1.8.1 appears to ignore the fileName attribute and will only use the FileResource file name. This is a little annoying in my App, because if the ...

17. outputResource image not displayed    icefaces.org

19. ice:outputResource problems when the filename contains "[" or "]"    icefaces.org

Hello! I am currently developing an application using icefaces 1.8 and netbeans 6.5. I encounter a problem when downloading resources using the ice:outputResource component, when the filename contains for example the character "[" shows the following message. Could not find resource at /Sapiv/block/resource/LTEzMTA4NTgxOTk=/TestImage[18308].jpg When I removed the "[" and "]" from the filename everything works as expected! So I'm trying to ...

20. pdf outputResource taking longer time to open    icefaces.org

hi, I am implemented pdf resource to open the pdf resource file located inside WEB-INF but its taking a long time to open is there a way that i can tune the application to make it faster . Hoping to hear back from someone who have insight into this issue. JSP Code: ice:outputLabel for="pdf-button-quick" value="Please click pdf resource below for quick ...

22. outputResource Docx to Doc import urgent question    icefaces.org

Hi, I am using your tag to generate word report. I am able to generate word report in Docx format and open report and do save as and save it as doc. Its work around and we want to automate this process. I am using following code for the purpose. Many thanks for your feedback in advance for this. Thanks, Yogaraj ...

23. ice:outputResource in ice:dataTable dynamically    icefaces.org

Hi, I'm builging a table as: docBean.files is an array of Objects which contains an attribute called resource which is a Resource. The problem is when I click some file (ice:outputResource) it download the last element ...

25. Dynamically outputResource?    icefaces.org

26. DataTable and outputResource don't work    icefaces.org

Hi, I have a dataTable that it display a file's list and inside dataTable I'm using a ice:outputResource, but I have a problem when I get out a resourse. I see in the forum, this is a bug, but I don't known how it's works. How can I apply a patch for this problem? Thanks

27. ice:outputResource automatic start    icefaces.org

29. ice:outputResource and ice:dataTable    icefaces.org

Are you sure this code works? For me, it does not work correctly. I just tried this in my custom table in which every row has its own resource. Only, all the resources links in each row points to same resource in FacesContext. The links are different when I look at the html source but they still point on the same ...

31. Need an action before an outputResource is rendered    icefaces.org

We have a business requirement to log info when a user clicks on a link generated by an outputResource tag. So far, we haven't had much luck. We tried changing the value on an ice:inputHidden with a valueChangeListener to no avail. We get into the onclick but the listener code is never entered. Does anyone know the right way to accomplish ...

33. ice:outputResource from pdf generated    icefaces.org

35. ice:outputResource is called on rendering AND click    icefaces.org

Hi there, I think perhaps I'm not currently using this component apropiately. My intention is to generate a file for download. I've used this: It works. But as I have a log on the method getInformeAnualCsv from the 'informes' backing bean I can see that the method is invoked also on each ...

36. outputResource and error handling    icefaces.org

37.  usage    icefaces.org

38. Help with ICEFACES: no tag was defined for name: outputResource    icefaces.org

Hello All, I got a problem when trying to run the sample code provided. I dont have any clue how to proceed further. My configuration is: Eclipse IDE: Version: 3.4.2 Pluing in used: ICEfaces-1.7.1-Eclipse-3.4-beta-plugins Sample Code used from: ICEpdf-3.1.0-src\icepdf\examples\icefaces Server: Tomcact 6.0 Please help me our in resolving below issue, thanks in advance. Dec 29, 2010 10:07:11 AM com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet.EnvironmentAdaptingServlet INFO: ...

40. Problems with outputResource    icefaces.org

41. How to properly use outputResource?    icefaces.org

42. How to properly use outputResource? getting issues...    icefaces.org

I'm trying to use the output resource but it's giving me trouble. It's simple, I have some files in a folder "D:/TEMPORAL ICEFACE" I need to download those files. So this is my outputResource in the xhtml: And this is the bean is exactly the same as the one provided ...

43. outputResource cache    icefaces.org

44. outputResource Icefaces2.0    icefaces.org