ejb « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Server-initiated Rendering: EJB -> FacesContext?    stackoverflow.com

I've already asked this question on the Icefaces forum, but meanwhile I realized that this is a more generic problem. I'd like to update parts of a JSF page when I get ...

2. Problem in maintaining state in IceFaces    stackoverflow.com

I am using EJB-3 & IceFaces in my application on JBoss. On refreshing the page, the data gets lost & all fields becomes blank. In another similar application where struts is used, no ...

3. Concurrency problem with ICEFACES?    stackoverflow.com

This time I have a problem. specifically with ICEFACES. I have a Java APP that manages (EJB, Hibernate) for logic business and model, and ICEFACES for view. Yesterday I was doing some ...

4. ice:selectBooleanCheckBox within ice:dataTable    stackoverflow.com

in order to select the data i want to remove i put a selectbooleanCheckbox in each row of my dataTable, But the checkbox doesn't change state and it's always set to ...

5. [Solved] NB 6.5.1 Webservice and Webapp with IceFaces suddenly Fatal Error from EJB Compiler -- null    forums.netbeans.org

Hi there, again problems and again. 1.) I have a Webservice project, which works fine in Glassfish v2.ur1. 2.) I have a webapp with Icefaces and a webservice client that refers ...

6. Icefaces & Ejb3    coderanch.com

7. testing an ICEfaces/EJB3 application    icefaces.org

8. Weblogic 10 + EJB Injector    icefaces.org

9. EJB to Backing Bean    icefaces.org

11. Should I use DataProvider, CachedRowset etc for EJB/ICEFaces application    icefaces.org

Hi, I am trying to design the architecture and also - to develop code for business application (for accounting and stock inventory etc. - so - there will be a lot of business logic) that will use EJB3 (or simply - Java 5 EE persistent entities) and ICEFaces, and I am trying to do this in Netbeans 6.5, there is no ...

13. EJB 3 session beans and tabbed panel    icefaces.org

Hi there, I'm new to EJBs and trying to start my new learning curve with not just EJB3, but Seam, JSF and ICEFaces too. Whats the best way to implement the panelTabSet in this setup sort of setup? Should I 'extend TabChangeListener' in my 'MyFoldersManager' interface, then simply 'implement MyFoldersManager' in my 'MyFoldersManagerBean' and give the session Bean a @Name('myFoldersManager'). Obviously, ...

14. Stimulating re-render from EJB    icefaces.org

15. A general question - ICEFaces plus EJB, server-push    icefaces.org

Hello, What experiences do people have of using EJB3.0 with ICEFaces? In particular, I'm thinking of a simple application whereby the user is notified, via their browser, when a message is received from some external source. So, on one "side" of the application we have a message-driven bean, listening for JMS messages. On the other "side", we have our ICEFaces managed ...

17. EJB annotations in JSF Beans    icefaces.org

I am trying to make the @EJB annotation work in a JSF bean. The result is, that a line of code where the supposedly injected EJB bean is used, returns a null pointer exception. Are there any known problems with EJB annotations and Icefaces? I am using Icefaces 1.6.2 and Weblogic Server 10.

18. ICEFaces Working with EJB    icefaces.org

21. Problem with ejb-transaction    icefaces.org

Hi All, I just have got the newest Seam-Showcase 1.7 and deployed it to my environment(jboss-4.2.2.GA + ICEfaces-1.7.0 Final + jboss-seam-2.0.1.GA) by using the given ant target in Seam-Showcase 1.7. First, everything works fine! But, when I removed the comment of "" in the file resources-jboss\WEB-INF\components.xml, and added "" into this file, I redeployed it and started JBoss ...

22. JSF + facelet + ICEfaces + JPA + EJB3 Database Centric Application Design Pattern    icefaces.org

Hello, I'm going to start the develpment of my new (small) web application and I'm considering the use of JSF + facelet + ICEfaces + JPA + EJB3, It's a small database centric application. The main question (of course there are a lot of question right now): Is there a design pattern defined to merge all those technolgy smoothly? ... I ...

23. EJB Inyection in Faces Manage Bean with ICE Faces    icefaces.org

Hello everyone, I have a Manage Bean with an inyection EJB. The EJB is not inyected, it's null when I want to call any method. My code look like this: public class ManageBeanExample implements Serializable { @EJB IServicioTestRemote servicio; @PostConstruct public void init() { System.out.println("init();"); } public void actionBoton(ActionEvent event) { System.out.println(servicio); servicio.buscarTest(1L); } } I tested this in WebSphere Community ...