commandSortHeader « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. disabling commandSortHeader arrow

2. ice:commandSortHeader - Limit on Sortable columns

We have implemented ice:commandSortHeader for the sorting columns in the data table. Issue we have is that for first 5 (five) columns sort works file but for 6th and 7th column the sort does not work. SortColumnName returns different value that defined in the xhtml. Is there any limit on the columns for which sort can be implemented. Please advice ASAP. ...

3. ice:commandSortHeader breaking view scope

Hi, we are currently evaluating icefaces 2.0.2 with facelets and are having a problem with the ice:commandSortHeader and a backing bean in view scope. The backing bean holding the table data is in view scope and should therefore only be created once for the current view. However on every click on one of the sortable column headers, a new instance of ...

5. How to customize sort direction in

6. How to use ice:commandSortHeader with dynamic columns???

I read in some topic that can't be used with I already tried with and but it doesnt work very well... If anybody have some the problem... Here is my code : ...

7. ice:commandSortHeader with multiple objects

Hello. I have a more peculiar situation which I do not know how to solve. The list of objects I give to a dataTable is in fact a list of arrays of objects. On the entry[0] I have a user and on entry[1] I have its organisation. I need to display information from both inside the same table. Now, how do ...

8. commandSortHeader behavior

9.  and working togheter?

10. BackingBean CommandSortHeader don't work

Hello, I have a backing bean DataTable, and I want to use a CommandSortHeader. Arrows display correctly, but the lines are not sorted. This is my code, all work find except the sortHeader. Code: HtmlDataTable htmlDataTable = new HtmlDataTable(); htmlDataTable.setId("ctrl"); htmlDataTable.setWidth("900"); htmlDataTable.setRows("25"); htmlDataTable.setRowClasses("evenRow, oddRow"); Application application = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getApplication(); ValueBinding value = application.createValueBinding("#{webEngineController.environment.dataSetLine}"); htmlDataTable.setValueBinding("value", value); htmlDataTable.setVar("item"); boolean rowSelectorSetted = false; for (int ...

13. commandSortHeader works only two clicks

Hi, I am trying to get the column sorting using the ice:commandSortHeader. The elements in the datatable are being sorted only if we click on the column header TWICE. On first click the arrow appears but the data is NOT sorted I think the sortColumnName is only updated on second click and not on first click. The following is the code ...

14. ice:commandSortHeader

15. commandSortHeader Adding a defualt Arrow

I am using a commandSortHeader to sort a datatable. What I am looking to do is have a default image next to all of the labels. Then using the css classes iceCmdSrtHdrAsc iceCmdSrtHdrDesc to update the images. Code: iceCmdSrtHdr{ /* background-image: url( image); */ background-color: #477BB4; font-size: 12px; color: white; text-align: left; margin-left: 3px; } .iceCmdSrtHdr td{ background-color: #477BB4; font-size: 12px; ...

16. ice:commandSortHeader Problem

18. commandSortHeader Text Loses Default Style After Selected

I have a data table, and a few commandSortHeader components using the standard ICEfaces themes. When the page first loads, the style of the text in the header matches all of the other columns, but after being clicked, and the arrow appears, the text loses its styling and no longer matches the other headers. In fact, it seems to contain no ...

19. SOLVED (bug workarounds): commandSortHeader Will Not Appear with Arrow on Initial Page Load

I have a simple dataTable with a commandSortHeader. The problem I have having is that the commandSortHeader does not display sorted with an arrow by default like the component showcase dataTable, even though the sortHeader attribute of the dataTable matches the columnName attribute of the commandSortHeader. The page outputs the two column names that should match, for testing purposes, and they ...