chrome « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. selectManyMenu chrome doesn't appear correct

When I use HtmlSelectManyMenu, I expect the element to be painted with a down facing arrow to indicate to the user that there are more selections than the one showing. The icefaces component does not paint this arrow. I don't know what the sun component does out of the box, but this behavior does not appear to match the w3c select ...

3. Action not triggered for firefox or chrome

Hi, I have a datatable that has a ice:commandLink in a column. The link triggers an action (which goes to the detail view.) This works with IE or Opera. But when I run with Firefox or Chrome, the action is not triggered at all. Can someone help? [ ...

4. Problem using dynamic tree on firefox and chrome

Hi, I have a problem with the rendering of an IceFaces page using a dynamic tree. If I use IE the navigation is ok, but if I use Firefox or Chrome the command link on a leaf doesn't work. Using Firebug I can see that the problem is "uncaught exception: Cannot find enclosing form.". The source code is the same used ...

5. IceFaces Menu doesnot open in Chrome

6. Odd behavior with Chrome on 1.8.2

Out of curiosity, has anyone had any issues with Chrome related to ajax push? My web app doesn't have any issues under firefox, but with Chrome, things start to act funny on the server side. When running under chrome (my app only have one view, which uses the panelStack component), one of my component classes seems to be destroyed and recreated ...