SelectOneListbox « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

2. How to use SelectOneListbox

3. PROBLEM WHEN USING SelectOneListbox

4. selectOneListbox partialSubmit problem

I tried to use partialSubmit with selectOneListbox. It submits all the values on the form to the back bean, which is not what I expected. I thought the partialSubmit only submits the selectOneListbox's value. I then tried to set immediate="true" for the selectOneListbox, it still submits everything on the form. Do I miss anything here?

7. SelectOneListbox fails on selection when I attempt to show list of objects.

pfournier Joined: 25/03/2009 00:00:00 Messages: 11 Offline I am having a problem when I attempt to display a list of Employee objects in a SelectOneListbox. When I just use the employee ID (String) it works, but if I try to use the Object as the SelectItem's value it fails. I have entered code that works (String version) and fails (Employee version) ...

8. problem with

Two lists with items on both, and ADD, Remove buttons to exchange items between these lists. on clicking an item from the list box, the selected Item will be highlighted. On click of ADD button, selected Item from the first list will goto second list. If I am selecting any item from the second list, I want to clear the selection ...

10. ice:selectOneListbox + required=true

11. selectOneListbox valueChangeListener problem

Hi I am facing problem in selectOneListbox valueChangeListener. I have four List boxes on my paeg and I am populating first list box on page load, second on valuChanegEvent of first list box, third on second and fourth on third. When I click on first List box it populates the second list box correctly. But when click on second list box ...

12. ice:selectOneListbox - icefaces 1.7.2

15. ice:selectOneListbox scrolling ValueChangeListener

Hi How can i stop the scrolling in ice:selectOneListbox. When the user scroll on the list box value changelistener fires. In that i am getting few other model objects and renderresponse. Because of several drop down needs to be populated on the one selected value in the drop down. Ex: Dropdown 1 -> ON value change i need to populate DropDown ...

17. Starting actions with ENTER in "selectOneListbox"?

Hi, I am using ICEfaces 1.8.2. In a search form, I would like to start the search by pressing ENTER in any field. In the "selectInputText" and "selectInputDate" fields of the search form, I use the "action" attribute for starting the search by pressing the ENTER key. But unfortunately, there is no "action" or "actionListener" attribute for "selectOneListBox" fields... Does anybody ...

18. value change in selectOneListBox

I am working on something similar to Select country & cities in component-showcase (under Extended Components->Selection). In the showcase example, when I select a country, no city is highlighted and the Server-side Backing bean value is blank. I would like to be able to highlight the first city on the list when a country is selected and have the backing bean ...

19. selectOneListbox List and render problem

private SelectItem[] f_WI_TYPE; private String currentWIType = ""; private final SelectItem[] THE_VALUES = { new SelectItem("Item 1"), new SelectItem("Item 2")}; public SelectItem[] getF_WI_TYPE() { if ( f_WI_TYPE == null ) initWI_Type(); return f_WI_TYPE; } public void setF_WI_TYPE(SelectItem[] f_WI_TYPE) { this.f_WI_TYPE = f_WI_TYPE; } private void initWI_Type() { f_WI_TYPE = new SelectItem[THE_VALUES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < THE_VALUES.length; i++) { ...

20. selectOneListbox

21. selectOneListbox submit onchange problem

I'm trying to modify the appearance of a form when the user changes a value in a selectOneListbox. This worked in 1.8, but in 2.0 odd things happen. I've stripped it down to a self contained example. When you change reminderFrequency the second date selector shows up so you can enter a range. The problem is clicking on a day or ...

23. selectInputDate & selectOneListBox

J've a simple form with a panelGrid row 1: selectImputDate render as popup row 2: imputText row 3: selectOneListBox row 4: input Text when j open the popup for calendar it's showed over the inputtext and down the selectOneListbox ... this occurs only in internet explorer 6 (all user use ie6) mozilla firefox is OK internet explorer 7 rc1 OK there ...

24. SelectOneListbox

25. how to use a selectOneListbox

26. refresh SelectOneListBox

29. selectOneListBox problem

Where is an error? this is fragment of my model class: public class User extends SelectItem{ private String username; private String password; ...getters and setters for username and password ...constructors... @Override public String getLabel() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return username; } @Override public void setLabel(String label) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.setLabel(username); } @Override public void setValue(Object value) ...

30. Selected item in a selectOneListBox...

Use Case: A selectOneListBox is loaded with a list of items...let's say.... A B C D User clicks on D and that item is highlighted (selected). No problem. User clicks on a button to reload this same selectOneListBox with a slightly different list...let's say... Q R S D Notice that D is also in the new list. Problem: It is highlighted ...

31. Help with ice:selectOneListbox

33. Problem between and

We have one Button and List Box () on the Screen. When click on that Button popup is opening.But once popup opened the List Box is disappearing.After clicking cancle button which is present on popup List Box is again appearing. Please provide any solution why List Box is disappearing once popup opened. Pop up code: