1. JSR 227 icefaces.org |
2. JSR-303 Bean Validation icefaces.orgHi Could you please tell me if Bean Validation JSR-303 is possible with IceFaces 2.0; As a test I have a date field @NotNull(message = "Please enter a valid value") private Date date = new Date(); in my jsf page I have |
3. How to Disable Hibernate Validation (JSR 303) in Icefaces 2.0? icefaces.orgI have custom ConstraintValidator classes that are Spring managed. In Icefaces 1.8.2, the backing bean was Spring injected an instance of javax.validation.Validator (org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.LocalValidatorFactoryBean) and performing validation in the actions called by the JSF form. However, with IceFaces 2.0, when I submit a JSF form, IceFaces is creating an instance of the ConstraintValidator classes (using the no-arg constructor) to validate the form ... |