Event « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. Icefaces actionListener Issue    stackoverflow.com

I'm facing a problem with Icefaces ActionListener.... I need to prevent the actionListener to be fired while i still in client... In another way : I need to check a boolean expresion ...

2. ICEFaces action vs actionListener    stackoverflow.com

I am not clear on the difference between these two methods. I see that the actionListener takes an ActionEvent as a parameter, but both may be tied to a method ...

3. Icefaces Actionlistener Pass Parameter To Another Page    stackoverflow.com

I have have icefaces datatable and when user clicks a row, I would like to pass that row's value to another page. The value could row's one column which is the ...

4. Jsf dynamically created actionListener parameter    stackoverflow.com

I have a custom facelet component (custom tag) but there is one thing that currently annoys me a lot. I'm trying to pass an action listener as a parameter to the ...

7. Too many events fired    icefaces.org

8. custom component event handling    icefaces.org

10. DragAndDrop events    icefaces.org

11. event.getOldValue is always null    icefaces.org

12. actionListener method never called    icefaces.org

15. Event Phase Component    icefaces.org

I have a problem with the new setEventPhase. When using one drop down to populate the value of another, it only works if the second drop down already has a value. If the second entry does not have a value then the populate routine does not seem to work. Has anyone got any ideas?

16. Value change event? Help me........    icefaces.org

17. Event handler update for commandButtons does not work in IE6 with ICEFaces 1.8.1    icefaces.org

Hi everyone, I have a problem with commandButtons and Javascript event handlers in combination with ICEFaces 1.8.1 and Internet Explorer 6. In a current project, I have create a customized button renderer that updates the onclick attribute in certain situations. This dynamic onclick rendering has worked in ICEFaces 1.7.2 but after upgrading to ICEFaces 1.8.1 this function does not work anymore ...

19. Re: actionListener malfunction    icefaces.org

Hi there, When i am using actionListener property for a commandLink, at back end (.java file) invoking the method with ActionEvent argument is working fine even that method returning a String as outcome, but it shouldn't work as per the method signature given in TLD API. CODE: JAVA public String abc(ActionEvent evt){ log.info("in ABC ...

20. action vs. actionListener    icefaces.org

The Action binding is typically used in conjunction with navigation. The String returned from that method is used by the navigation handler to navigate you to a different page. The ActionListener is typically used to execute model logic. The event can be used to execute logic on the server based on the state of the component.

21. Sometimes I can't listen the event of restore view phrase    icefaces.org

I registered a class to listen restore view phrase event,it works fine: Freebird.Helper.UserChecker When I enter a url in the address bar of browser,I can catch the event,but if I try to jump from A page to B page,only A page's event can be caught. My navigate code is: FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); context.getApplication().getNavigationHandler().handleNavigation(context, null, "A2B"); These ...

22. Show component from external events [SOLVED]    icefaces.org

Hi, I have a page that contains an object that manages some external events... i would that on these external events the page show a panelPopup, so the object call a method in the page that sets the setShowDraggablePanel(true)... but I need a page refresh to see the panel! [SOLVED] adding SessionRenderer.addCurrentSession("all"); in sessionBean and SessionRenderer.render("all"); in the page

23. Catch Events After Populate dataTable    icefaces.org

Hi all. I have a situation with my icefaces webapp and haven't figured out how to solve it, maybe you can help me with this: I have an ice:dataTable and an ice:dataPaginator initially set to a zero length ArrayList. Then, in an actionEvent, I populate the dataTable adding items to my ArrayList to be shown in the table and they do, ...

24. Select booleancheckbox value change event problem    icefaces.org

hello, i am working on Icefaes project & in my page i have one datatable with one column of check box & one externall button called 'select all'. What i want is when i click on select all button all checkbox checked & their process value chnage call on delete or add button i mean value change event on immediate basis. ...

25. actionlistener not working in tree    icefaces.org

27. ActionListener event on selectInputDate    icefaces.org

Hello all, Was wondering if anybody else had noticed a problem getting the ActionListener to fire on the ice:selectInputDate control. My understanding is that this event should fire whenever the control is manipulated, not necessarily when a date is selected. For example, if the month is changed. I have an event listener attached to the control but the event doesn't fire ...

29. Datatable and events    icefaces.org

30. Doubt about actionListener    icefaces.org

31. Call an ActionListener from Java Code    icefaces.org

33. Raising/Calling actionListener from another event    icefaces.org

Could you post the code for your action listener, and elaborate a little on what you need your action listener to do (and possibly why you need it to be an action listener)? Quite often people use an action listener to simply call a certain method whenever a button is clicked (they don't actually need the action event). If this is ...

35. Event handling within repeater?    icefaces.org

Hi, I have a repeater with a panel like this one to be repeated: The vertical bar (outputLabel so far) on the left should be able to react on a mouseclick. That mouseclick should then paint this label black and all other labels in the other rows should be painted white. This is some individual idea about how to display a ...

36. [confuse] How to detect panelTabChange event?    icefaces.org

Hi all It's me again...so sorry to trouble you guys.. Assuming I have one ice:form with many panelTabSets, and I would like to detect panelTabChange events for two particular PanelTabSet only, say panelTabSet A, and B, is that possible? Looking at the component-showcase example , I can't see a way on "binding" a TabChangeListner to each individual PanelTabSet in my JSP ...

40. onContextMenu event handler    icefaces.org

42. multiple actionlisteners    icefaces.org

43. ActionListener to javascript event    icefaces.org

46. Page Change Event .. please wait..    icefaces.org

47. Events    icefaces.org

Hi, I'm testing the Text Entry Component: It't seems, that this partialSubmit is using the "onBlur" event. That means that it submits the text field when I press the tab-key for example. What I'm trying to achieve is, to submit every letter as it is beeing written in the field. In other words, call the onKeyUp event: ...

48. Implementing a custom ActionListener    icefaces.org

Implementing a custom ActionListener in plain old JSF can be a useful way to catch RuntimeExceptions. For anyone who hasn't done this sort of thing, take a look at http://ww1.ucmss.com/books/LFS/CSREA2006/ICM4132.pdf. It is understandable that this technique cannot be directly used in ICEfaces and the world of partial submits. So, is there an ICEfaces equivalent way to redirect to a page when ...

49. Generate events    icefaces.org

50. Events from tree node selection    icefaces.org

[b][/b] [b]

51. No Events after changing SelecOneMenu    icefaces.org

53. actionListener MethodNotFoundException    icefaces.org

Dear Experts, your help is very much appreciated: When trying to use an actionListener in ICEfaces, a MethodNotFoundException is thrown. Thanks a lot in advance for your assistence. -------------------- Environment: - ICEFaces 1.5.3 - JBoss 4.0.5.GA -------------------- Extract of JSPX file: -------------------- Extract of TestBean.java: /** * Business method * ...

55. componens does not work after an actionListener execution    icefaces.org

public void toggleSubGroupAction(ActionEvent event) { try { // toggle expanded state LogWAG.logWag().debug("Expandiendo lista ->" + nameLista); expanded = !expanded; // add sub elements to list if (expanded) { expandContractImage = contractImage; expandirLista(); } // remove items from list else { expandContractImage = expandImage; contrerGrupo(); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }

56. Push Events possible?    icefaces.org

58. action vs actionListener    icefaces.org

From the "core JavaServerFaces" book: "In a nutshell, actions are designed for business logic and participate in navigation handling, whereas action listeners typically perform user interface logic and do not participate in navigation handling." In theory since the action handlers don't need to reference any classes from the JSF framework, those method could be tested outside of the web container with ...

59. After Using Validator Event not going on backing bean    icefaces.org

Hi all, I am using a validator on input type text, after validation if some error occur, then i want to show that error in the pop up for that purpose i want to use a button, on clicking this button i want to show the popup.. but if error comes from validator then i am not able to call the ...

60. Events fired automatically - Problem    icefaces.org

Hi. I have 3 selectmanylistbox. In each of them I have a "changed method" with a event parameter. In every method I do several things, but I have a problem: The first time I use one of them the 3 events are fired automatically. If I ask for the event.getNewValue() in the component different to the component I use for the ...

62. onLoad page event    icefaces.org

63. Tree node expanded event    icefaces.org

I've searched the forums for a way to handle a node expand/collapse event for a tree several months before and I found that it wasn't supported yet, but will be. I'm searching again now and I can't seem to find anything that mentions it in the TLD docs or JIRA. Can anyone confirm that it is currently impossible to detect a ...

64. event based AJAX push    icefaces.org

65. Wait time to start event    icefaces.org

Hi all! I wanted to know any solution to a problem of mine. I want to start and event, but only AFTER a set time the mouse is OVER a text. I tried the javascript setTimeout, but it didn't work for me. If anyone has a profile in FACEBOOK, it's the SAME time effect as the MORE text, in the left ...

66. One event - two effects    icefaces.org

Hello, I'm trying to implement a two-stage use case that I believe requires a similar approach to that described above, but am having trouble triggering the event that initiates the second stage. I have a page with a search button. On clicking the search button, the application should: update the page with a 'search in progress message' execute the search, displaying ...

67. Call action on Event    icefaces.org

One strategy I've used is to add a iec:inputHidden with a value change listener and binding in the backing bean. Then write your javascript handler to find the hidden field in the DOM (this is why you have to create the binding, so you know the id of the component,) change it's value, and manually submit the form via iceSumbitPartial(formElement, hiddenFieldElement, ...

68. Cannot get the value of String in event handling    icefaces.org

Hi there! I have this problem getting the value of my String in event handling. Here's my code: public void checkReservistSn(ActionEvent event) { List myList = caaProfileFacade.findByReservistSn(reservistSn); System.out.println(getReservistSn()); System.out.println(myList.size()); if(myList.isEmpty()) { facesMessage = new FacesMessage(); facesMessage.setSeverity(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO); facesMessage.setSummary("No record found. Reservist Serial Number can be use."); } else { facesMessage = new FacesMessage(); facesMessage.setSeverity(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO); facesMessage.setSummary(myList.size() + " record(s) found in the database. ...

71. Strange timing of events on SelectInputDate component    icefaces.org

Hi everyone, I'm using IceFaces 1.7.1 and I've noticed some unexpected behaviour with regard to the timing of when the event listeners on selectInputDate component are being called. I have 2 fields in my form. One is a selectInputDate and the other is an ordinary inputText. When i specify a new value for the selectInputDate I was expecting all model values ...