Boolean « IceFaces « JSF Q&A

1. SelectManyCheckBox java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to javax.faces.model.SelectItem

I have the following problem when i use the selectManyCheckBox: campaignInformationForm.campaignInformation.googleAnalytics (this are boolean objects)

java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to javax.faces.model.SelectItem
and my code is:
<ice:selectManyCheckbox id="options" layout="pageDirection" >

4. selectBooleanCheckbox and Boolean

5. setInit(boolean) + clearing session

7. Boolean attributes are not passed through in InputText in latest sources. [Revision 17477]

We've moving to manually handling the boolean attributes, instead of the old way of including them with the pass-through attributes. This is more how JSF 1.2 handles things. It's part of a performance task. But please, if you've tested any components, which are not rendering out their boolean pass-through attributes properly, please post that information here.