Response « HTML « JSF Q&A

1. Response Writer in jsf

ResponseWriter writer=context.getResponseWriter();
I want to know about startElement, endElement, and writeAttribute methods on ResponseWriter.

2. Call Javascript function on receiving ajax response in JSF 2.0

I'm using JSF 2.0 and it's new (actually old, but now incorporated in JSF) ajax features. I have something like this:

<h:inputText id="name" value="#{}"/>
<h:commandButton value="Reverse me!">
  <f:ajax execute="name" render="reverseName"/>
<h:outputText id="reverseName" value="#{coordinatesMBean.reverseName}"/>
It works ...

3. JSF Render response programmatically

I have one parent page with a parentManagedBean (attached to Session Scope). On click of a button on this parent page, one popup comes which has a childManagedBean (attached to Request ...

4. How to show alert message based on server response in JSF

I have the following link in one of my JSPs. When an user clicks on that link I'm calling an action in my backing bean. I need to show a JavaScript ...

5. JSF: How to capture response that is send to client

I want to implement some kind of help-funtionality within my jsf-application Scenario: When the users of my app are having problems, they send me screenshots. These are of poor quality and i ...

6. JSF lifecycle, how can response complete happen in the middle of the life cycle?

I am going through the article on JSF LifeCycles. I have the following doubt.

  • In many phases, the Response Complete is happening. How it is happening in the middle of the ...

7. Why does the render response phase use old data?

I have a dataTable and in each row there is a commandButton which calls a method from a ManagedBean with the current item id like this:

<h:commandButton action="#{myBean.doStuff(}" value="click me"/>
This works pretty ...

8. HttpServletResponse response: Ask user to download file instead of auto downloading

This is my download code. It just starts downloading the file without asking user. I've searched multiple forums and nothing seems to work. This is code is in ...

9. How to modify ComponentTree after RENDER_RESPONSE

I'm pretty sure this is not possible, i need to be sure though: While processing the initial request to a JSF page, i want to modify the component tree programatically. I tried ...

10. title in h:head rendered before render response phase?

I'm trying to set the value of the HTML title element (inside h:head element) dynamically based on view parameters. I'm setting the value to be used in a preRenderView system ...

11. JSF: Javascript in Ajax JSF-response

I'd like to execute Javascript after an Ajax-request in JSF? I can execute Javascript with the onevent listener, but the code I want to execute should be sent in the Ajax-response. But ...

12. JSF - Multiple Choice Checkboxes not capturing responses

I've found various examples in jsf where folks have done this successfully; in these examples, the person had used to display a dynamic list of checkboxes. I am trying to ...

13. File download from JSF with a rendered response

I have some dynamically generated files which I want my JSF 2.0 app to download for the user. I've been able to get this working using the code found in the ...

14. Security Requirement in jsf? Change JSessionId per Request/Response

I have developed an web application on NetBean 6.9 by JSF 2.0 over https. So for Security Requirements, I need to change jsessionid per request/response. how can I do it? I ...

15. Rendering web app xml response w jsf

16. Visial web jsf , xml response ?

Hello i am new to visual web javaserver faces and i must say i am pretty impressed by it. I need to create and return an xml with one of my jsf pages. I am thinking about clearing the http response in the prerenderer phase and sending the xml as my response. I have done it in , but i ...

18. Cannot forward after response has been committed

I am using the Myfaces1.0.9m, and tomcat 5.0.30. I am trying to download a file from the server, the user can download the file by clicking the link and it will trigger an event, the Backing bean handles the event and get the file stream data, and send to the response. I don't want the page to navigate to other pages. ...

22. Render Response phase question

I am trying to find out what the specified behavior of the Render Response phase is supposed to be, and have discovered that the JSF spec seems oddly unclear on the topic. Here is the question: during the Render Response phase, is the JSF Servlet supposed to call the getters for mapped backing bean properties for rendered pages, or does it ...

23. how Compress jsf response ?

24. how to clear response ?

25. how does we get a response to redirect

26. Two HttpServletResponse Responses?

How do I send two HttpServletResponse responses? I'm writing an app where I save a file to the user's PC and then redirect them to another page. I can save the file or redirect, but not do both. Here's my code: try { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) context.getExternalContext().getResponse(); response.setContentType("text/xml"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=\"" + FILE_NAME + "\""); OutputStream outStream ...

27. Render Response phase is not getting invoked

Hi, We are using tomahawk t:schedule component. When I click on a schedule entry, it is going to the the action. But after that it is logging me out. Please find the lifecycle phases below. START PHASE RESTORE_VIEW(1) START PHASE RESTORE_VIEW(1) END PHASE RESTORE_VIEW(1) START PHASE RENDER_RESPONSE(6) END PHASE RESTORE_VIEW(1) START PHASE APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES(2) END PHASE RENDER_RESPONSE(6) END PHASE APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES(2) START PHASE ...

28. Ajax request after flush in a response

29. Return PDF via Response Stream.

31. Update a region with new content from Ajax response

Hi Guys, I am relatively new to JSF and I am using JSF2.0 with Primefaces on Tomcat with Netbeans6.9. I have a page with registration form and on submit of the form using AJAX, I want to replace the form area with a new different form. I am using p:commandButton to submit the form. Right now I am getting just the ...

32. how to obtain the response object in jsf

import javax.faces.bean.*; import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; @ManagedBean public class BankingBean { private String customerId; private String password= "abc"; private Customer customer; private static CustomerLookupService lookupService = new CustomerSimpleMap(); ........ ....... if (!password.equals("secret")) { ExternalContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext(); HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse)context.getResponse(); ///HttpServletResponse is not being found... response.sendRedirect("Something"); return("wrong-password"); } ....... ....... }

33. How can i write in the response through viewhandler? Or even another solution...

Welcome to the JavaRanch, Fabio! I have no idea what you're actually trying to accomplish, but you're trying to do low-level control things when you're using a high-level framework and that's something that even people with years of experience should think twice about. In fact, my own years of experience have taught me that any complicated solution in JSF is probably ...

34. Setting response in body

Hi All, I need one help in my current development one of the requirement says: The server will return 200-OK as a response(httpresponse). If the panelist is verified then as a result, the server must also return the panelist id of this panelist. The server will place the panelist id inside the body of the 200-OK response in the following way: ...

35. response.setContentType("application/download"); not working

First of all, thanks for the attempts to help me, Seetharaman and Tim. I'm returning here just now due to the weekend, I stayed outside the office. One additional information is that, when I mentioned an Excel file, I wanted to say that the data was originally obtained from an Excel file that was parsed and saved into an array of ...