netbeans « Glassfish « JSF Q&A

1. Which faces technology for use with GlassFish 2.1 and NetBeans 6.7?

I'm running GlassFish 2.1 and using NetBeans 6.7. I'd like to create a web interface to my data using JSF 1.2. Trouble is, ...

2. Netbeans deployment fails after class rename

I am writing a test client for a webservice. It's a Netbeans 6.9.1 WebApplication using JSF framework. I have one managed bean that calls the webservice. Everythink worked fine until I noticed ...

3. Debugging JSF 2 application in NetBeans 6.8/Glassfish V3

Hello, I am trying to debug jsf 2 application, debugger works as expected for my managed beans. However in stack trace i see 'Hidden Source Calls' node. I want to be ...

4. NetBean 6.8 and JSF2.0 and glassfish v3

hi all, I use Netbean 6.8 on mean time , it looks like my netBean only suppose JSF 1.2 . what I need to add inorder let the NetBean suppose JSF ...

5. Re: NetBeans plugin for GlassFish v3 no longer includes jsf-impl.jar in its Classpath

Hi, Vince, When using GlassFish v3, JSF framework recently (maybe 1-2 month) always adds the bundled JSF 1.2 libraries into the new project because it can't find the JSF jar files from the v3 server classpath! It uses the API org.netbeans.modules.j2ee.deployment.devmodules.api.Deployment.getDefault().getJ2eePlatform(serverInstanceID).getClasspathEntries() to check whether the server supports the related class. I believe the JSP editor also uses this API for this ...