resourcebundle « Development « JSF Q&A

1. JSF 1.2 Application.getMessageBundle() returns null

I'm using Spring 2.5 with JSF 1.2, on Tomcat 6.0.13. In one part of code, I'm trying to load ResourceBundle by using following approach:

ResourceBundle.getBundle(context.getApplication().getMessageBundle(), Locale.EN);
The problem is that getMessageBundle() method returns ...

2. JSF ResourceBundle.Control Override the getTimeToLive Method

I am trying to implement the reloading of resouce bundle(property files) in our web application(JSF2 ,JDK1.6) . To achieve that trying to override the ResourceBundle.Control Override the getTimeToLive Method ,but it is ...

3. Using Properties from ResourceBundle in ManagedProperty

I have a JSF Validator that I'm building that has properties in it that I would like to have loaded from a ResourceBundle. However, I'm not quite sure how to ...

4. jsf how to remove the surrounding ??? if message not found in messagebundle

In JSF2.0, if a message is not found in the messagebundle, then by default, the key is surrounded with ???. This is a very usable hint during development. But in my ...

5. JSF ResourceBUndle change using image?

I've stumbled upon this tutorial and decided to try it out :-). In the tutorial, they use a List with a valuechangelistener to change the language when something else was ...

6. Resourcebundle can not be found!

It is in that location. If I load it using my own servlet I can read it perfectly at that location. I am using JBOSS4.0.3RC1 which now has integrated support for JSF (using apache implementation) can it be possible that it is a classloading issue. Maybe because the JSF classes are at a different location they can not find my resource ...

7. Custom ResourceBundle class?...