Pattern « Development « JSF Q&A

1. JSF files inside WEB-INF directory / Model 2 Pattern

I want to put my JSF 2.0 xhtml files under WEB-INF\jsf. How do I access them then? I know that anything inside WEB-INF isn't exposed to the outside, so I need ...

2. CRUD Pattern JSF

i have a task of education to create an aplication that implement CRUD pattern in java with JSF framework.. is there any one help me to explain about CRUD pattern in java ...

3. How do I use patterns with convertNumber?

I am trying to use the f:convertNumber tag. I want to use multiple patterns. I see you can do that with the date tag and the color tag. ...

4. Question about Java EE 6 architecture

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  1. From the picture above, I would conclude that Java EE 6 architecture is an 3 tier architecture. What I dont understand is what exactly is the client tier? ...

5. JSF MVC design question

I have a JSF backing bean design question. right now, my backing bean is holding UI display information and also business modal data. people suggest that model and view should be ...

6. Prettyfaces how to rewrite two different view-id with one pattern

I have two different view-id /faces/rcg/index.xhtml and /faces/MasterRiskManager/index.xhtml Is it possible to rewrite them both with one pattern /inex.html?

7. Data Consistency with Data Mapper Pattern

I'm developing a web application for scheduling logistical distribution. I'm using Java, JSF 2.0 and Oracle-XE as database. In Oracle-XE, I have implemented sequences and triggers to auto-increment the ID of some ...

8. Distinguish between Model and Controller in JSF

I want to clearly understand the proper way of developing a JSF application. In our project, the model and controller is the same class, represented by CDI bean. I'm sort of confused ...

9. How can I improve this design that calls third party methods from JSF based front end

I want opinions and expert advice on design . I am developing an application using JSF2 and EJB3 and I am not using CDI. I have been given an API (jar) from an ...

10. f:convertDateTime not being strict in pattern match?

I have a f:convertDateTime with a pattern of mm/dd/yyyy. However, people are able to enter 2/19/78 and it would be 0078 rather then 1978 or 2078. I want to force people ...

11. JSF2.0 Ajax Navigation Pattern

Would really appreciate some guidance concerning patterns for a Web App using JSF 2.0, PrimeFaces and Ajax. Our current system uses JSPs with standard submits and we have 1 JSP for ...

12. What is the correct code pattern to fetch data base entries?

In two other questions (here and here) BalusC makes a straight up declaration:

Getters are solely there to access bean properties, not to do some business logic. There ...

13. JSF and The FrontController Pattern

14. Simple pattern

I've been playing around with JSF for a few weeks now. I'm still a little shakey with the contrast between the routing in a JSF app and the routing in every other app I've ever worked on. Take for example the links on this forum page... ***New Topic*** ubb (command) = newtopic f (forum id) = 82 ***Existing Topic*** ...

15. Ajax Patterns

16. JSF design patterns

Well, a strategy that's worked well for me is to use a Domain Model where the actual ORM components are accessed via a DAO layer and detached for presentation to the JSF backing beans. The only issue there is that since sometimes ORM data mappings (such as booleans against Oracle) don't work well and I have to use a translating DTO ...

17. Observer pattern managedBean?

18. View Helper Pattern and JSF

I've seen far too many Views that were full of bindings and other stuff. I think it's because while JSF was being developed that was originally about the only way to do it, and the examples outlived their usefulness. The Internet is, alas, very good at that. I rarely use bindings. The whole point of JSF is to provide a simple ...