commandbutton « Datatable « JSF Q&A

1. using a commandbutton in a datatable column to pass the row index in JSF

I added a commandbutton in a datatable column like this. When the button is clicked the id of the record will be used to update some other records in the database. ...

2. JSF commandbutton id inside datatable

How can I add in commandbutton inside datatable?

<hx:dataTableEx value="#{searchData.searchFriends}" var="s">
    <f:facet name="header">
     <h:outputText value="First Name" />

3. h:commandButton not working inside h:datatable

I am trying to execute an action through commandButton inside a datatable, but the action is not executed when the commandButton is placed inside the datatable as shown below, but when ...

4. Problem with commandButton inside dataTable

I have a dataTable, inside that i have one commandButton for each row. When i click the commandButton, it is not calling the action method/actionListener. My managed bean is in request scope. If i change the scope to session scope, it will work. But i cannot set the scope to request scope according to the requirement. Any work around for this? ...

5. commandButton in dataTable doesn't work -method not found

Hi everyone! I am new in JSF world and can't find a solution to my problem. I have a dataTable with data from DB(int id, varchar name, int phone ). In 4th column i have button and I don't have any idea how to write a method which take data from the table and send them to other site for example ...

6. commandButton/commandLink not working inside datatable

Hi Ranchers, My Facelets .xhtml is typically as below. The rows are displayed along with the Go buttons properly. But when I click on "Go" button, the action method on the bean is not invoked. Also, the ...

7. To update a dataTable from backing bean using p:commandbutton

JSF is a framework built on the Model/View/Controller paradigm. In JSF, the View is the webpage, the Model is the backing bean and the Controllers are the FacesServlet and tag processors. Controllers are the glue. When the Model changes, the Controller updates the View. When the View is changed (form controls input and submitted), the Controller updates the Model. JSF does ...