action « Datatable « JSF Q&A

3. Row Actions on DataTable

4. Action method not getting called inside the dataTable

Thanks a lot Richard for your reply !!! I changed the scope of bean from request to session. Now the action method is getting called. But I found that both the beans(siteRequirementBean & requirementDisplay) needs to be in session scope. But the command link is only calling the action method of requirementDisplay bean. So when only requirementDisplay is kept in session ...

6. onclick row action in dataTable

7. Action on datatable row is executed on different row if table data is modifed in background

Hello I have a datatable displaying the items which are added or removed in the background dynamically. There is an action which can be started related to selected row. The action is started by the command button in a separate column and I have tried more ways to relate the action to the item ID by adding f:param or f:attribute into ...

8. dataTable: action executes on page refresh

Its a general issue with web applications. "Refreshing" the page will send exactly the same request again. If your request was "delete the item at position 2 in this list" then the server will happily fulfill your request.... again and again and again. So what can you do to stop it? 1 - Make your delete call dependent on the id ...