Iterate « Datatable « JSF Q&A

1. Iterate over HashMap.values() in JSF+Facelets

I'm using JSF/Facelets, and I'm trying to iterate over some Document objects (custom object) that I'm keeping in a HashMap. When the page is loaded, I'm getting the error "Property ...

2. Iterating in JSF

I'm using JSF 2. I have a managedbean that has a property referring to a collection of Employees. Now, I have the datatable tag that can create a table out of ...

3. Iterate over a dataTable and delete an entry on the clicked button

Hi everyone, I was searching on the internet on how to do this for days and gave me a headache, so I decided to post here for help. Anyway, I wanted to create a dataTable that dynamically generates fields with buttons and then when one of the button was clicked it will remove that entry, I tried binding the dataTable in ...