InputText « Datatable « JSF Q&A

1. DataTable containing inputText: is it possible with JSF Custom Component

i'm new to JSF and for the application i'm woriking on i've to do a multiple field input form. In few words the user should have an inputText when he inputs his ...

3. h:dataTable and h:inputText problem

4. inputText in dataTable

5. sort dataTable & inputText

Hi, I've got a data table where you can sort by header. Inside the table the user can update a field on each record. Here's the problem: The sorting works if you're just going to sort, but not input any data. The input box works fine if you're not going to sort! If you try to sort AND input data - ...

6. InputText in DataTable does not store value

One more question, I have seen many examples on the internet regarding the user of HTML Data Table with inputText and I assume they all work correctly. But for some reason, the above code does not populate instance variables in the backing bean during UPDATE MODEL VALUES Phase in JSF lifecycle. Please look at the code above and share any thoughts ...

8. inputtext inside datatable problem

9. InputText in DataTable does not store value

I have the problem, that I am using a dataTable from tomahawk for iterating an List: My backing bean: private HtmlDataTable updatedFoos; ... public void saveFoo() { List updatedFooList = (List) updatedFoos.getValue(); // iterate and save } ... ...