a4j « Data « JSF Q&A

1. a4j:commandLink doesn't show the required message for required fields    stackoverflow.com

I have some required fields. When I try to submit the page with h:commandLink I get the required message (As defined by me). When I use a4j:commandLink to call a method, I don't ...

2. Passing parameter to a4j:function    stackoverflow.com

How can I pass parameter to a4j:jsFunction from javascript, I want to call categoryChanged and whatever I put there - even explicit String, parameter is not visible on bean side. Here is ...

3. Using JSF AJAX methods to keep JavaScript module scope    stackoverflow.com

I am working with the application, which has JSF2 framework. The idea of that framework is to manage connection between Backend (Java) and Frontend. I know, that JSF version we are using ...

4. Passing parameters to a4j:ajax method    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to use <a4j:ajax> to feed a method with a value just entered on the form;

<h:selectOneMenu id="aa" value="#{colorClass.color}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{myChoices.colorOptions}"/>
    <a4j:ajax event="change" render="colorCode" ...

5. a4j:support attribute evaulation    coderanch.com

I have question about the ordering of the evailation of JSF expressions in a4j:support. e.g In the a4j:support above I expect actionListener/setContextURL to be called first before "{myBean.URL}" is evaulated but it doesn't happen that way. It evaulates "{myBean.URL}" first and then calls action listener and finally opens the window. [openNewWindow is a java script that ...