jboss « Component « JSF Q&A

1. JBoss Seam: component installed in JNDI, access of component says Not Bound    stackoverflow.com

My SFSB Seam component is bound to JNDI on deployment, as evidenced by this log message:

Component: example, scope: CONVERSATION, type: STATEFUL_SESSION_BEAN,
class:com.purecharger.action.ExampleAction, JNDI: purecharger/ExampleAction/local
My interface:
public interface Example {    

2. composite component ending up in wrong directory with jboss jsf tools and m2eclipse?    stackoverflow.com

When using JBOSS Tools, M2E and M2E-WTP creating a new composite component wants to put the newly created component in the wrong directory. It also looks for components in the wrong ...