Mojarra « Component « JSF Q&A

1. How do I get a tabbed pane component in JSF 2.0 (Sun Mojarra)

I am learning/using JSF 2.0 (Sun Mojarra) now and I want to have a tabbed pane in my webapp (single tabs could named be General, Detail1,Detail2,...). How do I achieve this? I ...

2. JSF 2 Composite component required attribute throws exception in Mojarra 2.0.3

I've been playing around with JSF 2.0 composite components but I'm a bit confused as to what the require attribute in the composite:attribute tag is meant to do. The documentation ...

3. JSF Trinidad tree component doesn't expand

I'm using JSF Mojarra 2.0.3 implementation along with Apache Trinidad 2.0.0 beta framework, so that I can use tree component. I've followed developers guide regarding tree component, as well as ...

4. Adding custom attribute (HTML5) support to JSF 2.0 UIInput component

I am trying to write a renderer which would process the placeholder attribute on an <h:inputText> component. I headed to this path after reading JSF 2.0 strips out needed HTML5 attributes ...

5. Maven artifact for custom JSF2 component (Mojarra)

Hello Everyone, I'd like to create a custom JSF2 component. In NetBeans 6.9.1 (Default Archetype Catalog) there is a Maven artifact to build custom JSF2 component based on MyFaces, but it produces a lot of stuff (links to MyFaces libraries) which needs to be replaced if it is intended for Mojarra. Additionaly, it creates TLD file instead of custom.tag.xml file. Is ...