jboss « Bean « JSF Q&A

1. EntityManager throws TransactionRequiredException on merge() in JBoss JSF bean    stackoverflow.com

I've set up a JSF application on JBoss 5.0.1GA to present a list of Users in a table and allow deleting of individual users via a button next to each user. When ...

2. By using ejb 3 , jsf and jboss is it possible to call a ejb method from web module?    stackoverflow.com

Even if I have different modules in my jee application including myproject-web and myproject-ejb; is it possible to call (or inject) my ejb session bean which is in the ejb module ...

3. CDI ConversationScoped long-running Bean not working    stackoverflow.com

I got some problems understanding the Conversation scope of Weld or CDI. In my JSF Faclets page i call:


4. Weld 1.0.1-Final: Conversation Scope bean keeps recreated even after beginning conversation?    stackoverflow.com

Im currently using :

  1. Apache tomcat 7
  2. JBoss Weld servlet 1.0.1-Final
  3. empty beans.xml
  4. <listener-class>org.jboss.weld.environment.servlet.Listener</listener-class> in the web.xml
I'm currently testing a simple counter @ConversationScoped bean, and the intention is, after beginning the conversation scope, to keep ...

5. Are JSF 2.x ViewScoped Beans Thread Safe?    stackoverflow.com

I've been googling for a couple hours on this issue to no eval. WELD docs and the CDI spec are pretty clear regarding thread safety of the scopes provided. For example:

  • Application Scope ...

7. DI ejb into JSF bean, JBoss 6    coderanch.com