facelets « Bean « JSF Q&A

1. JSF managed bean question    stackoverflow.com

I have one page which uses <ui:insert> called master.xhtml which uses one managedbean named MasterBean.java and its of viewScoped. It calls webservice and has all useful data which will be useful ...

2. JSF question about communication between managed bean    stackoverflow.com

It seems i am not clear on my previous question about managed bean. So, i am posting it again in a more systematic manner. I have one page :-

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>

3. JSF: Creating aliases for properties in backing bean    stackoverflow.com

I am referring to pretty deep object hierarchies with pretty cryptic names in EL as in #{myBean.configBaseStack.excludeMethodFromAccounting.method.TimeoutBehaviorEnabled}. I would like to point to this very same property through an alias like in:

<x:alias ...

4. Managed-Beans and Scopes - how to handle it?    stackoverflow.com

I want to do something like this: index.xhtml -> createPerson.xhtml -> addAddress.xhtml -> index.xhtml. In Managed-Bean CreatePerson a new Person-Object will be created, filled and saved, in Managed-Bean AddAddress I need the ...

5. Implement a multi criteria search form using JPA, JSF managed beans and facelets! How to?    stackoverflow.com

Using EclipseLink (JPA) API along with managed beans and facelets. I need to implement a search form that allows a user to fetch items from the database using search criteria and ...

6. Jsf 1.2 & Facelets - How to display Validation message from the backing bean in a Confirm box?    stackoverflow.com

I am using JSF1.2 and facelets. I have a ADD button which when clicked adds/updates the row in h:dataTable in the same page, if there are no validation errors. If there ...

7. How to show MySQL data by a managed bean?    stackoverflow.com

I am trying to manage to work a simply xhtml page with Java Server Faces 2.0 that shows entries from a database JDBC-MySQL For the moment I simply get a blank page ...

8. set

color in from backing bean    stackoverflow.com

is there any way i can set the color of the text in the table data in jsf? i want to have different colors for #{_component.displayName} depending on the return value ...