entity « Bean « JSF Q&A

1. JSF backing bean and hibernate entity same class?    stackoverflow.com

Can I use the same class for a JSF backing bean and a hibernate entity? I assumed that I could but when I do some JSF validation on the backing ...

2. Why can't I have an @Entity bean as a JSF backing bean in JEE 5    stackoverflow.com

AFAIK, the whole purpose of JBoss Seam is to integrate EJB and JSF. The book Seam in Action says that:

By design, EJB components cannot be bound directly to a JSF ...

3. Problem binding a bean property to an element in JSF    stackoverflow.com

I have an input (JSF) that should be bound to a property in my bean. This property represents another bean and has an auxiliar method that checks if it's null (I ...

4. JSF 2 reusing the validation defined in the JPA entities?    stackoverflow.com

Let's start with an example :

In my JPA entity
public class User {
    @Pattern("^([0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*@([0-9a-zA-Z][-\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9})$", message="invalidEmailResourceBundleKey")
    private String email;

    @Min(5, message="minimumResourceBundleKey")

5. Can I use hibernate entity annotations with bean validation    stackoverflow.com

To use bean validation for form fields in JSF 2, you can use annotations in the bean like @Length(max=5). However, since these constraints are already defined in my Hibernate entity object, ...

6. Error when getting JPA Entity in JSF bean via EJB SessionBean in GlassFish3.1    stackoverflow.com

I got this exception:

java.rmi.RemoteException: CORBA BAD_OPERATION 1330446343 No; nested exception is: org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION: WARNING: IOP01210007: Expected typecode kind to be one of [value, valueBox, abstractInterface] but got typecode kind null vmcid: OMG ...

7. Entity Bean    coderanch.com

10. RemoteException while sending/receiving JPA Entity in JSF managed bean    java.net

Hi all, I am writing my first EJB + JSF application, on GlassFish 3.1 Server. I encountered this Error when I call EJB session bean with JPA Entity as argument in JSF managed bean: java.rmi.RemoteException: CORBA BAD_OPERATION 1330446343 No; nested exception is: org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION: WARNING: IOP01210007: Expected typecode kind to be one of [value, valueBox, abstractInterface] but got typecode kind null vmcid: ...